Page 20 - ICurriculum-IM-Uni1-RD-14-06-16-V24101
P. 20

20 Unit 1
                                                                                           Track 3

Now check your answers, be assisted by the vocabulary list below.

            english                ‫ִע ְב ִרית‬
                                   ‫ יחכה‬,)‫לחכות (פיעל‬
to wait, will wait (m. sg.)
outside                                            ‫בחוץ‬
awakening (lit. sobering                      ‫התפכחות‬
to become addicted                   )‫להתמכר (התפעל‬
heart                                                ‫לב‬
to go wild, goes wild (m.
sg.)                         ‫ מתפרע‬,)‫להתפרע (התפעל‬
happiness                                         ‫דמיון‬
to touch, touches (m. sg.)                        ‫אושר‬
pain                                   ‫ נוגע‬,)‫לגעת (פעל‬
to discover, will discover                         ‫כאב‬
(m. sg.)                           ‫ תגלה‬,)‫לגלות (פיעל‬
to want, will want (m. sg.)
to change (oneself)                ‫ תרצה‬,)‫לרצות (פעל‬
                                    )‫להשתנות (התפעל‬

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