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Surprise in a Hotel
Surprise: a young woman returned [to] the hotel a bag with tens of items,
which she stole over the years. She took everything – from kettles to slippers
and dishes. “I became religious and I regret [on] what I have done”, she
explained in a letter that she attached to the huge package, which arrived at
the hotel at the Dead Sea a few days before Yom Kippur.
Even the oldest people in the hotel business at the Dead Sea do not remember such
a case: a woman, who over the years stayed in the hotel and systematically stole
everything, sent all of the items back along with a letter of regret. In the letter that
arrived a few days before Yom Kippur, the thief (f.) also explained that she decided
to return the stolen property because lately she became religious.
The woman stayed many times in the Nirvana Yam Hamealch hotel and each time
she used to steal several items till she accumulated huge amounts. Two weeks ago
she decided to return the whole catch, which included tens of items – starting with
expensive kettles, pillows, sheets, blankets, towels, robes and slippers through
plates, glasses, ashtrays and ending with knives, spoons and forks.
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