Page 16 - Ulpan Or E-Tone (30-01-18) Low Inter Level
P. 16

E-Tone™: Ulpan-Or Weekly News Digest

                                            Item #3 (Low-Intermediate Level)

                                             Happy Tu Bishvat

            In winter, trees aren’t pretty. They have no flowers or fruits, so why do we
            celebrate their new year on Tu Bishvat? The sages of Judaism say that in

            winter fruits begin to grow, even if (we) don’t see anything. The sages say

            that it’s more important to see the process the fruit makes until we eat it.
            And what about us? Do we have patience in our lives? Not always. Many

            times we run from school to the army, to the university to work. Maybe we
            can learn something from Tu Bishvat.

                                         Page  16        -        Edition 01-30-18
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