Page 16 - Ulpan-Or: E-Tone 221215, Advanced Level
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E-Tone™: Ulpan-Or Weekly News Digest #12-22-15
Item #3 (Advanced Level)
Interesting in the Galaxy
For the first time in over a decade, a new episode of the Star Wars saga
goes [up] to the screens. The Force Awakens, the seventh episode of nine;
Luke Skywalker, the hero, already knows that Leia is his sister, and
Harrison Ford returns to (his) role, and something bad happens, and re-
starts a war between good and bad. But, what’s important to remember is
that the whole empire is in the hands of Disney now. Disney Studios
bought the rights from George Lucas who stayed on as an artistic advisor.
It will be interesting to see how the opposing forces will collide in the new
movie. More or less realism, more or less colorful Disney plastics. So
many fans were disappointed by the last three movies, episodes one to
three. So the challenge, especially for the new characters, is big. (Those)
who didn’t see the past six movies, time is short, but (they) won’t kick you
out of the cinema.
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