Page 19 - Ulpan-Or: e-Tone 01-19-16, Low-Intermediate Level
P. 19

E-Tone™: Ulpan-Or Weekly News Digest

                     Item #4 (Low Intermediate Level)

Now listen again and check your answers.

Listen again several times till you feel you know well the new

Talking Dictionary – ‫אוֹ ַצר ִמ ִלים ֻמ ְק ָלט‬

          with easy reading nikkud – ‫ְּב ִנּקּוד ִל ְּק ִריָאה ַק ָלה‬

English                   ‫עברית‬                     English              ‫עברית‬
to do                                            6 skinny              ‫ ָר ָזה‬,‫ ָר ֶזה‬1
works out (m. sg.)  )‫ַל ֲעש ֹּות ( ָפ ַעל‬
to get offended     ‫ע ֹּו ֶשה ְּספ ֹּו ְּרט‬
gets offended (f.
sg.)                )‫ְּל ֵה ָע ֵלב ( ִנ ְּפ ַעל‬  7 pool                ‫ ְּב ֵר ָכה‬2
to jump                    ‫ֶנ ֱע ֶל ֶבת‬

professional        )‫ ִל ְּק ֹּפץ ְּל ( ָפ ַעל‬8 to swim                )‫ ִל ְּשח ֹּות ( ָפ ַעל‬3

enough               ,‫ִמ ְּקצ ֹּו ָען‬            9 to ask              )‫ ִלְּׁש ֹּאל ֶאת ( ָפ ַעל‬4
                    ‫ִמ ְּקצ ֹּו ָע ִנית‬

                    ‫ ַמ ְּס ִפיק‬10 to answer                           )‫ַל ֲענ ֹּות ְּל ( ָפ ַעל‬                                5
                                  answers (f. sg.)                              ‫ע ֹּו ָנה‬

                                 Page 19 - Edition 01-19-16

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