Page 48 - Inter-Mid-Unit 10-R0-FP_Neat
P. 48
IM, Unit 10
Imperative Form of Binyan Pa’al 1, Subgroup 6
Let’s use the future tense structure to create imperative form.
Remember: to create negative sentences the equivalent of “Don’t” is ?ַאל?
Following are some examples of sentences using the imperative form:
Don’t eat (pl. m.) dinner at home, we ? נ ֹאכל?,?אל ת ֹא ְכלּו ֶּאת ארּוחת ָּה ֶּע ֶּרב בב ִית?
will eat in a restaurant. .?ְב ִמ ְס ָּע ָּדה?
Tell (m. sg.) me, how old are you?
?? ֵבן כ ָּמה א ָּתה?,?ת ֹאמר ִלי?
Exercise: Write your own sentences in English using verbs from Binyan Pa’al 1,
Subgroup 6 in imperative form. Use both, negative and positive structures.
Translate those to Hebrew in the table below:
English Hebrew
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