Page 53 - Inter-Mid-Unit 10-R0-FP_Neat
P. 53

                                      IM, Unit 10

Now listen again and check your answers.

Listen again several times till you feel you know well the
new vocabulary.

       Talking Dictionary – ?אֹו ַצר ִמ ִלים ֻמ ְק ָּלט?

to make         )?ִל ְג ֹרם ( ָּפ ַעל?  6 game               ?ִמ ְש ָּחק?                                1
makes (m. sg.)         ?גֹו ֵרם?           to play     )?ְל ַש ֵחק ( ִפ ֵעל?

for instance            ?ְל ָּמ ָּשל?      to hunt     )?ָּלצּוד ( ָּפ ַעל?                              2
robber(s)       ? שֹו ְד ִדים?,?שֹו ֵדד?  7 hunting (m.        ?ָּצ ִדים?

                                         pl.)        ? ְיצּו ִרים?,? ְיצּור?3

                                      8 creature(s)

to enjoy        ?ֵל ָּהנֹות ְמ?            to find     )?ִל ְמצֹוא ֶאת ( ָּפ ַעל?                        4
enjoy (m. pl.)   )?( ִנ ְפ ַעל?         9 finding      ?מֹו ְצ ִאים ֶאת ַע ְצ ָּמם?
                  ?ֶנ ֱה ִנים?
success                                  themselves

                ? ַה ְצ ָּל ָּחה?10 strange            ? מּו ָּז ִרים?,? מּו ָּזר?5

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