Page 9 - Ulpan Or E-Tone (29/08/17) Advanced Level
P. 9

E-Tone™: Ulpan-Or Weekly News Digest

                                                 Item #2 (Advanced Level)

                         Now listen again and check your answers.

                         Listen again several times till you feel you know well the new

                                   Talking Dictionary   טָל ְקֻמ םיִל ִמ רַצוֹא–

             English                             תירבע         English                            תירבע
             luxurious                          ראופמ      6    official residence           ימשר ןועמ      1

             indictment                    םושיא בתכ       7    claim(s)                   תונעט ,הנעט      2

                                                               to present                 )ליעפה( גיצהל
             image                              תימדת      8                                                3
                                                               presents (m. sg.)                    גיצמ

             to be depicted                  רייטצהל       9    to document                 )לעיפ( דעתל     4

             is depicted (f.)                תרייטצמ           documents (f. sg.)                תדעתמ

             to dispute                )לעפ( לע קולחל
                                                           10  to fend off                  )לעפ( ףודהל     5
             disputes (m. sg.)                    קלוח

                                          Page  9        -        Edition 08-29-17
             Copyrighted and owned by Ulpan-Or. Any usage, copying and distribution without express permission from Ulpan-Or is prohibited.
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