Page 17 - Tapuchips - New_Active
P. 17

Colloquial Levantine Arabic - Commercials
        Tapuchips – Vegetable Stand at the Market راضخ ناكد                  -     سبيشتوبت

               Listen to the vocabulary and fill in the Arabic.

                     Arabic                                                                 English

                                                                             whoever, whatever

         1.                                                               ّ  (starts a relative clause) that,

                                                                             which, whom

         2.                                                                  Mind

                                                                             he feels like having …
                                                                             <lit. on his mind>

         4.                                                                  Frying

         5.                                                                  stuffing

         6.                                                                  health, vitality, well-being

                                                                             A common blessing

                                                                             May Allah give you good health! –
                                                                             good wishes addressed to

                                                                             someone engaged in doing work.
                                                                             <may Allah keep you healthy>
                                                                             Used mainly in response to the

                                                                             good wishes addressed to a
                                                                             person engaged in doing work

         8.                                                                  Hello, welcome

         9.                                                                  I mean

         10.                                                                 bag

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