Page 32 - Alefbet book-unit 2-Script-HTML5 270518
P. 32
CD #2 – Track 35
Pronunciation Notes
You have seen that in Modern Hebrew some of the letters may
have similar sounds, because most of the people nowadays do not
pronounce some of the guttural and other letters the way they were
originally meant to be sounded.
For instance:
Sound May sound like Letter
וּו ּּב ב
הLetter אּא
should sound as H,
but may sound like A
Kh כּכ חּח
אּא עּע
ּכּּכ קּק
should have a טּט תּת
guttural sound,
but may sound like A
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העתקה והפצה אסורים, כל שימוש.אור-כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן