Page 33 - Alefbet book-unit 2-Script-HTML5 270518
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Now, that you are already familiar with the Hebrew alphabet,

you are ready for our next level - Kita Alef Study Kit.

You can even start reading some meaningful words from the

Kita Alef book.            CD #2 – Track 36

Reading Exercise - Pronouns

ENGLISH          PHONETIC      ‫עברית‬
                    ANEE         ‫אני‬
        I            ATA        ‫אתה‬
    ( I am )          AT         ּ‫את‬
   You (M)           HOO         ‫הוא‬
  (You are)          HEE         ‫היא‬
   You (F)
  (You are)      ANAKHNU   )ּ‫אנחנּוּ(אנו‬
                    ATEM        ‫אתם‬
       He            HEM         ‫הם‬
    (He is)

    (She is)

   (We are)
You (Plural)
  (You are)

  (They are)

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                                 ‫ העתקה והפצה אסורים‬,‫ כל שימוש‬.‫אור‬-‫כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן‬
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