Page 16 - Ulpan-Or: e-Tone 03-15-16, Low Intermediate Level
P. 16

E-Tone™: Ulpan-Or Weekly News Digest

                                      Item #3 (Low-Intermediate Level)

                     Once Every Four Years

Everyone thinks that there are three hundred and sixty five days in a year,
but the truth is that this isn’t an accurate number. The right answer is that
there are three hundred sixty five days and a quarter, and so every four
years there’s another day, February twenty ninth, leap day. Hen, who has a
birthday on February twenty ninth, is eight years old, but this is only the
second time she celebrates (her) birthday on her exact date. There are a lot
of sales on this day, and there’s a custom that says that this is the day when
women propose to men.

                                 Page 16 - Edition 03-15-16

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