Page 49 - Ulpan Or ebook verbs in a nutshell hitpael unit 2-RA_Neat (11.02.16)
P. 49


                                Binyan Hitpa'el – Irregulars

                            Check Yourself

    ‫קרא את התרגום לאנגלית ותרגם את הרעיון של הסיפור תוך שימוש באוצר המילים של‬
                                                                    .‫הפעלים החדשים‬

   1. Tell the story in Hebrew while reading the English text.
   2. Fill in the right column in Hebrew and check yourself using the text on the

       previous page.

Yonatan Cohen is [has been] a member of
the Knesset for (already) 15 years and now
he has decided that the time has arrived for
him to be Israel's next prime minister.
Cohen consulted his fellow party members
and they told him that if he wants to run for
the premiership he must change:
"Look in the mirror, get a haircut!
How will people identify with you and join

our party when you look like "Slovenly

Cohen answered them: "You've never
complained before! What happened? What
And they answered him: "You didn't want to
be a prime minister before, and now you do –
that's what has changed!
So you better get ready (prepare) to make
some changes, otherwise you don't stand a
chance (you don't have a chance)".
"Well", said Cohen, "I've always been proud
of my hair, but anything for elections, ah?
I'll see you later, after I'll get a haircut, bye".
Cohen and his fellow party members saw
each other again at night, and the first thing
they told him was:
"You see, Cohen? You've already changed.
We can't know if you'll really be a prime
minister, but at least you look like a prime

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                                .‫ העתקה והפצה אסורים‬,‫ כל שימוש‬.‫אור‬-‫כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן‬
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