Page 9 - New Haven IN - CivicPlus - Proposal
P. 9

Features and Functionality

                                                   Modules & Tools

            Activities – Create activities and accept registrations   ePayment Center – Create a secure, PCI-compliant
            while integrating with other CMS modules.             payment gateway for your online services with our
                                                                  opt-in service, CP Pay. Additional fees apply.
            Agenda Center – Create and display agendas and
            minutes for various civic organizations.              Facilities & Reservations – Showcase community
                                                                  facilities and allow reservations online.
            Alert Center – Post emergency or important
            information on your website to notify citizens via    Form Center – Create custom online forms that can
            email and SMS.                                        be completed and submitted online.

            Archive Center – Store and retrieve agendas,          Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) – Answer
            minutes, newsletters and other data-driven            the most frequently asked questions from your
            documents.                                            visitors.

            Bid Postings – Post your bids with this easy-to-use   Job Postings – Post available jobs online and accept
            tool.                                                 online applications.

            Blog – Post opinions/information about various        My Dashboard – Allow users to personalize their
            community topics and allow citizen comments and       dashboard to stay updated on news, events, and
            subscriptions.                                        information they care about.

            Business/Resource Directory – List municipal          Notify Me – Send out mass emails and SMS
            contact information and community resources.          messages to subscribers of specific lists.
                                                                  (Includes 50,000 messages annually)
            Calendar – Create multiple calendars and events to
            inform citizens of upcoming activities.               News Flash – Post organizational news items that
                                                                  are important to your citizens.
            Carousel Widget – Present more impactful
            information with easier navigation in a single page   Opinion Poll – Interact with your site visitors
            element that can hold up to 10 clickable rotating     by posting various questions and polls.
            groups of 1-3 widgets.
                                                                  Photo Gallery – Store and display photos.
            Citizen Request Tracker™ (CRT) – Allow users
            to report a problem and provide follow-up             Quick Links – Place links on any page using your
            communication with the point of contact. (Includes 3   WYSIWYG editor that let your visitors find what they
            User Licenses)                                        need quickly.
                                                                  Spotlight (Advanced widget) – Highlight important
            Community Voice  – Interact with citizens about
            projects in your community.                           text or widgets in a compact, easy-to-update tool.
                                                                  Staff Directory – Share detailed contact information
            Document Center – Organize and house documents
            in one central location.                              for your staff and offices.

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