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FAQ - How does Trophy work?                                                                                FAQ - How does Trophy work?

        Free Home Delivery                                 Free Pet Weighing Clinic

        We deliver for free to your home or workplace.     Fully mobile and in the comfort of your own
        No awkward subscription required. Just call in     home. We’ll happily weigh your pets on our
        your order and your local Trophy Nutritional       vet scales and help you track their progress.
        Adviser will sort out the rest.                    We have an excellent track record with weight
                                                           loss and ensuring growing dogs reach their full
        Free Nutritional Advice                            potential.

        Your local Trophy Nutritional Adviser is           Placing an order
        independently qualified, or working toward a
        Level 3 Health and Nutrition Diploma. They         Placing your order is easy. Text, call,
        have also received extensive in-house nutrition    messenger, log in to your personal ordering
        training with our experts and in-house vets.       portal, or flag us down in the street! If in doubt
        You’ll be amazed at their knowledge. And it’s      visit and our
        all for free.                                      national head office will do the rest.

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