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Glossary  Glossary                                          Protein

                Natural antioxidants

                Natural antioxidant inclusion helps the mop-      Protein within a pet’s diet is crucial for
                up of free radicals that are produced through     sustaining daily life functions. Protein is broken
                oxidation. Examples of ingredients we use with    down within the digestive system and absorbed
                high antioxidant properties are blackcurrant and   into the bloodstream as amino acids, which then
                rosemary.                                         aid muscle repair, support the immune system

                No artificial colours, flavours or                and provide some energy.
                preservatives                                     Fat

                Trophy ensures that all recipes exclude           Also referred to as oil. Vital for providing energy,
                commonly perceived nasties, unwanted              carrying vitamins around the body and making
                e-numbers, excess salt, etc; yet still ensure the   the food extra palatable. Our high-grade
                food is kept as fresh as the day produced. Any    oils also help the skin and coat reach its full
                colour you see is the result of the fresh seasonal   potential.
                raw ingredients.                                  Crude fibre
                Hypoallergenic                                    Fibre has a number of benefits, however it is

                Diets that are specifically formulated for dogs   best known for keeping the digestive system
                that are prone to the effects of food-based       healthy. It also helps with stool density, making
                allergens. The symptoms vary from stomach         it easy to pick up.
                sensitivities, to skin and coat irritation.       Crude ash
                Grain-Free                                        Best defined as the essential minerals required

                A diet that has been developed without wheat,     in a fully balanced diet. This can include
                corn, rice, barley or oats or any grain source    magnesium, iron, zinc, potassium, phosphorus
                whatsoever. Potato and sweet potato are used      and calcium to name a few. Once the pet has
                as the alternatives to provide the needed dietary   absorbed what it needs, the rest is passed out
                fibre and related carbohydrates.                  in the stools. Don’t be misled into thinking there
                                                                  is any ash in dog food! It’s just the term used
                                                                  to measure the inorganic (mineral) content in a
                                                                  laboratory to help assess the efficacy of the diet.

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