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About Trophy Pet Foods
Natural, ingredient-led, specially
formulated with a wealth of key benefits
Trophy Pet Foods is an established direct-to-your-door pet food
delivery service. We deliver British-made, natural, premium pet About Trophy Pet Foods
foods that are ethically approved and made of uncompromising
quality. Everything we do is driven by our passion for pets. Our
Nutritional Advisers build strong, long-term relationships with our
customers and their pets and they know each one by name.
British-made premium pet foods
We know that choosing the correct food for your pet can be
confusing and sometimes even stressful. We also understand that
buying is difficult too, with a huge array of pet foods that range
from suspiciously cheap to mind-blowingly expensive!
Our ethos is to ensure all our pet food is natural, ingredient-led
and competitively priced. Our recipes come with a wealth of key Satisfaction Guarantee
benefits and are optimised to give pets balanced nutrition.
We endeavour to source as many ingredients as possible from
We understand that high quality nutrition, appropriate to life stage local producers, supporting British agriculture, and the vast
and preference, is the first step towards a happier and healthier majority of our carefully sourced ingredients are from the UK.
pet. We also know that palatability and taste are the reasons pets Whilst sourcing locally is our goal, selecting premium ingredients is
enjoy our food so much. Each one of our recipes is 100% complete our priority. This allows us to offer you our Satisfaction Guarantee.
and balanced. We make a wide range of pet foods including grain- If you have not seen a difference in your dog or cat after feeding
free, lite diets, puppy, mature, adult and cereal-free options. your first bag for 28 days or are not satisfied, we will refund or
Free try-before-you-buy samples replace the product for you.
We offer free samples of our complete dog foods and cat food, Ethically Approved
allowing you to choose your pet’s favourite Trophy pet food. Trophy Pet Foods is independently
Or, you can try one of our Trophy Starter Packs. Free samples, accredited by The Ethical Company
nutritional consultation, life stage review, starter packs…you can Organisation and we are proud to
choose all 4 options, or just 1 option – starting with Trophy Pet hold their top ranking. This standard
Foods is easy! sets the benchmark for Corporate
Social Responsibility.
Highly rated
100% of reviewers have If you would like more product
rated Trophy Pet Foods information, call 01367 240333 or
as “Excellent” with the brand scoring the visit
maximum five stars on Trustpilot. 3