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Dog Food Range Overview
Dog Food Range Overview
Premium Holistic Dry and Wet Super Premium and
Our Premium Holistic range has been specifically Super Premium Grain-Free
designed to offer dogs a complete Our Super Premium range of
and natural meal, that is low-impact complete recipes offers dogs
on the environment with sustainable delicious dietary options as each
ingredients and recyclable variant is packed with
packaging. They have unique beneficial features
recipes, are hypoallergenic and offer and naturally healthy
very low feeding rates. goodness. We
believe they are,
simply, the best
food for your dog.
Lifestyle Premium and
Premium Working
Our Lifestyle Premium and Premium Working Standard Working
ranges are our mid-priced products and these
foods are designed to provide all the nourishment An exceptionally priced budget
your dog requires in a carefully range, offering good basic
balanced meal. The Trophy working dog food and value for
Lifestyle Premium and Premium money. Suitable for all working
Working ranges demonstrate dogs. A VAT-free range*.
that it is possible for owners
to feed superior nutrition at
affordable prices. Suitable * VAT status based on current
understanding of VAT regulations
for all breeds, with 8 tasty and is subject to change.
recipes available for your pet.
Our Promise
We promise to be there for you and your dog, giving you the
right nutritional advice and helping you choose the right food
for your dog – all in the comfort of your own home.
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