Page 10 - World of Irish Nursing April 2018
P. 10
INMO GS addresses IRN conference
“All need to feel the bene- said this must mean having locally, she said that the addressed pay inequality across
fit of the recovery and trade equal strength. For employees orderly management of issues health professionals, which she
unions will have failed if we to have the right to bargain in dispute is a challenge. She said was leading to emigration
don’t achieve that”, said without a right to strike, effec- acknowledged the importance and difficulties in recruiting
INMO general secretary Phil tively amounts to “collectively of independent state dispute from overseas. The union wants
Ní Sheaghdha, speaking at begging”, she said. Moreover, resolution bodies, but said that to see 2,600 extra acute beds
the annual IRN conference in she believes that on collective sometimes the “people on the depending on reform, 190 criti-
Dublin last month. This con- bargaining we fall short of what other side of the table”, espe- cal care beds and a substantial
ference hears from different the European Court of Human cially in health, “do not have the increase in beds for care of
perspectives, including unions Rights deems appropriate. authority to reach settlement”. the older person, all of which
and managers across the She said there is a school On the INMO, Ms Ní require a serious investment in
public and private sector and of thought that trade unions Sheaghdha says it is still recov- nursing/midwifery recruitment
politicians. shouldn’t have a role in terms ering from the employment and retention measures.
“It is our role to ensure that of dialogue in national matters. moratorium, with staffing Finishing her presentation,
those who took the hit see the However, she believes that levels today at 2,000 below Ms Ní Sheaghdha compared
benefits, especially those who the government’s National the 2007 level, despite activity 2008 nursing and midwifery
lost their jobs and whose jobs Economic Dialogue (NED) levels having jumped. salaries to today’s rates, asking
have been hit by lesser con- and the labour Employer Eco- On retention, the current “Is anyone is surprised they are
ditions of employment,” she nomic Forum (lEEF) have the key issue for the INMO which is leaving?” A staff nurse on Point
said, stressing that the most potential to be more than an being formally reviewed by the 1 of scale in September 2008
important thing for unions is exchange of views. There is no Public Service Pay Commission, earned €31,875 (€16.28/hour)
that they work together. The reason why IBEC, ICTU and the she said that 250 more nurse compared to €28,768 (€14.13/
most important thing is that government should not have a managers left since 2016, and hour) in January 2018, and
we pool our resources in mat- forum to discuss how matters although 2,573 staff nurses on Point 5 of scale €38,256
ters of social interest”. that are important to the Irish were taken on, 2,271 had left. (€19.55/hour) in 2008 €34,531
On collective bargaining, she economy play out, she said. Ms Ní Sheaghdha also (€16.96/hour) today.