Page 12 - World of Irish Nursing April 2018
P. 12

IR NEWS   17

 Tony Fitzpatrick, INMO interim director of industrial  relations, reports on current national IR issues

         Update on fixed travel and subsistence issues

          The INMO, along with other   approximately 690 staff are still   and eliminate the need for fixed   National Financial Regulations.
          healthcare  unions of the   in receipt of fixed travel. The   travel.        however, there are significant
          National Joint Council, met   hSe was contacted by Revenue   It was agreed at the WRC   anomalies at play within the
          with management on March   with regards to this practice   that Paul Byrne, Corporate   hSe with regards to the appli-
          5, 2018 in relation to fixed   and must pay liability of up to   employee Relations Services,   cation of this. It appears that
          travel and issues regarding   €180,000 a year, because of   would issue a detailed pro-  these anomalies are down to
          subsistence.             non compliance detected in   posal to the union side on this.   individual managers interpre-
          Fixed travel             the 15% auditing process. To   The unions will then engage   tation of the circular and NFR.
           Management is seeking to   comply with Revenue, hSe will   with their relevant members   It was agreed that a specific
          end the practice of fixed travel   require all of those in receipt   affected by the proposal and   meeting would be convened
          being paid mainly to employ-  of fixed travel to complete the   revert to the chair Aoibheann   between the staff panel and
          ees in the east, ChO 6,7,9,   same claims documentation as   Ní Shúilleabháin, to reconvene   hSe representatives (including
          Midlands and South.      staff on normal mileage. There-  conciliation.      finance and hSe tax division)
           At this stage fixed travel   fore, the hSe is seeking that   Subsistence    to examine these anomalies
          has been removed from most   staff in these locations would   The issue of subsistence is   and to agree a correct and uni-
          staff within the hSe, however,   simply do the standard mileage   covered by Circular and the   form application of the rules.

          ODN Section highlights issues of                   Pay restoration underway in S39s
          major concern                                      FURTheR to the WRC agree-  years 2009-2017, were also to

          AT A meeting with the INMO   highlight these using the inter-  ment and the  letter from   be returned to the office of the
          Operating Department Nurses   nal risk management process in   the Secretary General of the   chief financial officer by March
          Section in February, members   their workplace.    Department of health, Jim   12, 2018.
          outlined many concerns which   Another major issue is the   Breslin, on Section 39 organi-  Again, S39 organisations
          the Organisation must investi-  introduction of operating   sations, various templates and   were reminded as per the WRC
          gate and address.        department attendants (ODA)   documents have now been   agreement, that if the organi-
           The issues included: staffing   in certain hospitals. Limerick   issued to S39 organisations   sation can restore pay or begin
          levels, excessive on-call, inade-  Institute of Technology (LIT)   as part of the pay restoration   to restore pay within its exist-
          quate sleep time, the numbers   advertised a level 8 course   exercise agreed.   ing overall resources, without
          of staff on call, unacceptable   for ODAs and there are indi-  The documentation was   adversely impacting services,
          risk due to excessive activity   cations that it is doing this in   issued to organisations funded   they should do so as soon as
          out of hours, staff turnover   collaboration with the Private   by the hSe under Section 39 of   possible in 2018.
          within operating departments,   hospitals Association, which   the health Act 2004.   A process has been agreed
          inadequate controls around   runs theatre services in some   The initial exercise has   of validation and assurance
          theatre activity and the una-  hospitals, including in Bon   been carried out in respect   between the unions, the hSe
          vailability of intensive care   Secours hospitals. None of   of the organisations listed   and the Department of health.
          beds resulting in intensive care   this has been agreed with the   by the WRC in its letter of   If the information is not accu-
          patients being cared for in the   INMO, which is in the process   February 9, 2018. These are   rate, and  correct, it may
          recovery area of theatre for   of establishing the facts.  the locations where the four   involve the hSe initiating a site
          excessive periods.         Following the meeting with   ICTU unions have workers in   audit of payroll and other sup-
           It is clear that many operating   ODN Section officers, we   membership.    porting data.
          departments are not consist-  need to assess these concerns   In the correspondence issued   It is hoped that the above
          ently applying Department of   in all operating departments,   by Stephen Mulvaney, hSe   will assist in members work-
          health circular 33/2003 on   through a survey in the near   chief financial officer, strict   ing in S39 organisations having
          on-call arrangements.    future – details to follow.   timeframes are given for the   their pay restored in 2018. It
           To examine the matter in   I will be seeking national   organisations to complete   is also clearly apparent that
          greater depth, I, and INMO   engagement with hSe man-  the S39 restoration template,   the hSe and the Department
          IROs, will be in contact with   agement on these issues for   which they had to be returned   of health are anxious to gain   WIN  Vol 26  No 3 April 2018
          operating  departments   our members. I also await   by March 9, 2018.       a greater understanding of
          throughout the country. It   terms of reference from the   A signed hard copy of the   the funding models within
          is important that members   Department of health with   template, together with copies   S39 organisations and their
          who have any risk concerns   regards to theatre on-call.   of audited accounts for the   expenditure.
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