Page 16 - World of Irish Nursing April 2018
P. 16
Wifi – convenience or health risk?
Dave Hughes warns that we may be risking the health of future
generations by promoting widespread use of wireless technology
For non-smokers, like me, and a single provider left to protection on electro-mag- frequency, electromagnetic
it seems extraordinary that stretch the reach of broad- netic field (EMF) exposure. fields was highlighted. Quoting
a product sold from behind a band to our most remote Each of the scientists has from the chief medical officer
blank cabinet and whose pack- areas. Against such a wave of published peer-reviewed he stated: “We may not truly
aging contains graphic and enthusiasm for the undisputed research on biological or understand the health effects
horrific images of lung disease benefits of wireless technol- health effects of non-ionising of mobile phones for many
and bad teeth, is still pur- ogy, voices of caution with radiation, extremely low fre- years. However, research does
chased by people who say “give regard to the health risks of quency fields (ELF) used for show that using mobile phones
me 20 of those please”. wireless technology have got electricity or radio frequency affects brain activity. There is
Cigarettes were fashionable, little airing and, where aired, radiation (rFr) used for wire- a general consensus that chil-
widely advertised and seen by have sometimes been met less communications. dren are more vulnerable to
governments as employment with derision and comparisons They raised serious con- radiation from mobile phones
generating and great sources to the Luddite movement. But, cerns regarding the risks for than adults. Therefore, the sen-
of revenue for many years. with our enthusiasm for the humankind and nature from sible thing to do is to adopt a
Likewise, until very recently convenience of wireless tech- ubiquitous and increasing precautionary approach rather
practically every sporting event nology, are we sleep walking exposure to EMF sources gen- than wait to have the risks con-
was sponsored by the alcohol into yet another massive public erated by electric and wireless firmed.” Yet now in 2018 it has
industry and our big stadia health disaster that will not be devices from electrical power become a policy to rollout wifi
were festooned with promo- arrested for another three or sources and global wireless to all of our schools.
tional images to sell more of it. four generations? communication infrastructure. We must exercise caution on
At the recent Ireland v There are authoritative Scientists claimed that the the widespread use of wifi and
Scotland rugby international voices out there who sug- existing international expo- listen to those who advocate
(a great day for all), it was gest that current regulations sure guidelines do not protect greater precaution and pre-
notable that there was no internationally do not provide against long-term exposure cautionary devices. We must
advertising on pitch side for adequate protections from the of low intensity effects and protect our children and, chal-
either cigarettes or alcohol. dangers associated with wire- are insufficient to protect the lenging though it may be, our
There were, however, repeated less technology. In particular, health of humankind. Their desire for convenience may be
adverts for mobile phone and there is growing concern about appeal also called on the WHo ignoring their future health.
wifi companies. the impact of such wireless to exert strong leadership in It is, after all, a fact that the
In Ireland, in recent years, technology on children and, fostering development of more combination of big industry,
most of the debate about aside from the social dangers protective EMF guidelines and convenience, fashion and rev-
broadband wifi and wire- of the technology on health to take precautionary meas- enue collection, which made
less telecommunications grounds alone, calls have been ures to reduce EMF exposures. smoking and drinking popular
has centred around regional made for a threshold of 14 Even in Ireland, in a little for generations in the past, led
development, employment years of age before any child publicised press advice from us to our greatest public health
and universal access. The pro- should have access to a mobile our chief medical officer of challenges and extracted a
vision of rural broadband is phone. June 2011, the issue of the huge human cost in terms of
quite controversial, with two In 2015, 220 scientists from possible carcinogenic impact chronic disease and mortality.
of the three selected compa- 41 nations signed an appeal on humans (Group 2B) related – Dave Hughes, INMO
nies now having dropped out to the UN for greater health to mobile phones and radio deputy general secretary
CUH premium Bandon unit opens following review of staffing levels
Members in 4C at Cork BANdoN Community Hos- The INMo fought hard to Community Hospital members
University Hospital united pital has now begun to open ensure safe and adequate staff- for their strength and determi-
at the turn of the year to up its new state of the art 25 ing levels for the new unit, and nation in carrying out a work to
WIN Vol 26 No 3 April 2018 worked for Sunday premi- facility under an interim staff- is now reaching the final stages to ensure that they would
ensure they were paid the
rule over the past six months
the dispute over staffing levels
bed care of the older person
appropriate number of hours
with a review of the interim
work in a state-of-the-art envi-
ing arrangement, which was
ums. Following dialogue
ronment with the matching
achieved under a Joint review
proposal to take place when
with hospital management
staffing levels to accompany
Bandon reaches full occupancy
Group of staffing levels,
this issue has been resolved.
chaired by INMo deputy gen-
this fantastic new build.
– Liam Conway, INMO IRO
– Liam Conway, INMO IRO
I would like to thank Bandon
eral secretary dave Hughes.