Page 20 - World of Irish Nursing April 2018
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26   Focus

           means either a person who is suffering             Key points emerging from the Act
           from a disorder of the mind, whether as a
           result of mental illness or dementia, or has   The following have the potential to impinge on the practice of nurses and midwives:
           an intellectual disability, which is of such   •  If you know or believe any of the listed offences have been committed, and you have information
           a nature or degree as to severely restrict   which may assist the Gardaí in the apprehension and prosecution of the alleged perpetrator, then you
           the capacity of the person to guard him-  have a duty to disclose this information
           self or herself against serious exploitation   •  A person who fails to disclose this information, without reasonable excuse, can face a penalty on
                                               conviction ranging from a fine of €5,000 and/or 12 months imprisonment, up to 10 years imprisonment
           or abuse, whether physical or sexual, by   •   The range of offences where this obligation arises is wide and covers all forms of sexual offence or
           another person. A vulnerable person may   abuse, trafficking, assault, and other exploitative offences
           also be one who is suffering from an endur-  •   You may have a defence where your failure to report results from a wish expressed by a child over 14
           ing physical impairment or injury which is   years or a vulnerable person who has capacity, that the matter not be reported; similarly such views
           of such a nature or degree as to severely   may be expressed on behalf of another by a parent or guardian
           restrict the capacity of the person to guard   •   Specifically, nurses and midwives who are caring for persons in relation to the injury or harm arising
           themselves against serious exploitation or   from the alleged offence, and where they form the view in the best interest of the health and wellbeing
           abuse, whether physical or sexual, or to   of that person that the offence should not be reported, and their actions are in accordance with best
                                               practice, will not be liable under the Act
           report such to the Garda Síochána, or both,
           as the case may be.                post-August 2012, irrespective of when the   has reasonable grounds for forming a view
             The 2012 Act creates two offences: Sec-  offence was committed – either before or   that the matter concerned should not be
           tion 2 creates an offence of withholding   after that date.          reported for the purposes of protecting the
           information on certain offences against   Penalties                  health and wellbeing of that child or vul-
           children; and Section 3 creates an iden-  If convicted for failing to disclose infor-  nerable person, and they act in the manner
           tical offence except that it applies to   mation the penalty on conviction in the   expected of their profession, then they will
           information concerning offences against   District Court is a maximum fine of €5,000   have a defence under the 2012 Act.
           vulnerable persons.                and/or 12 months imprisonment. Where   Accordingly, one should be aware that
           Offences                           convicted on indictment, ie. in a higher   the obligations under this Act are not dis-
             The offences arise where one knows or   court, the penalty imposed is variable   placed by the reporting obligations that
           believes that a relevant offence has been   depending on what the maximum penalty   exist within the health services currently.
           committed, and one has information that   would be for the person who committed the   Thus, while in many circumstances, the
           one knows or believes would be of material   underlying offence, and the penalties range   workplace reporting of information in rela-
           assistance in the apprehension, prosecution,   from three to 10 years imprisonment.  tion to abuse, which amounts to one of the
           or conviction of a person who committed   Defences                   offences mentioned, may be sufficient, it is
           such an offence, and one fails without rea-  There are a number of defences availa-  still important that where the nurse or mid-
           sonable excuse to disclose that information   ble to a nurse or midwife in this situation.   wife has information of the type described
           to a member of the Gardaí. In this sense,   The first arises where the child is over 14,   above, then they must assure themselves
           liability arises not on mere suspicion that   or they are a vulnerable adult, and they   that some professional in the chain of care
           an offence has been committed; rather one   have expressed a view that they do not   has reported the matter to the Gardaí,
           must at least believe it has been, and one   want the offence disclosed. This defence   unless one of the exceptional circum-
           must have material information to assist   will only apply where the child is over 14   stances militating against reporting exists.
           the Gardaí in the apprehension and prose-  was capable of forming such a view. Similar   General obligation
           cution of the offender.            provisions apply in relation to vulnerable   The 2015 Act has introduced an impor-
             The range of offences about which one   adults. Where a child is under 14, their   tant general obligation and while not
           may have information, and which carry the   own view on reporting will not amount to   carrying a criminal sanction the Act would
           obligation to disclose the information to   a defence.               no doubt be of relevance in Fitness to Prac-
           the Gardaí, differ in respect of children and   Another defence arises where a parent   tise proceedings, and of course it has been
           vulnerable adults. In respect of children,   or guardian makes known their own view,   enacted to give legislative force to a strong
           there are 19 different offences including:   or a view on behalf of a child or vulner-  moral message that children must be pro-
           rape, sexual assault, incest by a male or   able person, that the matter should not   tected, and behaviour or circumstances of
           female, false imprisonment, child sexual   be reported. This applies where they are   concern must not be ignored. Additionally,
           abuse, assault, endangerment, abduction,   acting in the best interests of the child or   and potentially referring to some cases
           child trafficking, child pornography, cru-  vulnerable person and the alleged perpe-  which would come within the mandatory
           elty, and female genital mutilation, among   trator is not a family member. Where the   reporting provisions of the 2015 Act, the
           others. In respect of adults, the relevant   alleged perpetrator is a member of the   2012 Act places onerous obligations on all
           offences include rape, sexual assault,   family, a defence for failing to disclose can   persons to ensure that information relat-
                                                                                ing to the commission of serious offences
                                              be made when a designated professional
           incest, trafficking, and assault.
       WIN  Vol 26   No 3 April 2018  tion to the foregoing sexual offences arises   child or vulnerable person, that the offence   does not go undisclosed. This is an impor-
                                                                                against children and vulnerable persons
             The duty to disclose information in rela-
                                              has made known a view, on behalf of the
           whether they occurred in this jurisdiction
                                              should not be disclosed.
                                                                                tant obligation, and one which should be
                                               Where a member of a designated profes-
                                                                                in the mind of nurses and midwives in the
           or not. In addition, it should be noted that
                                              sion, including nursing and midwifery, who
                                                                                context of their day-to-day practice.
           liability under the 2012 Act arises where
           the information comes to one’s attention
                                              is treating a child or vulnerable person for
                                                                                Edward Mathews is INMO director of Regulation and
           after the 2012 Act enters into force, ie.
                                              the harm arising from the alleged offence
                                                                                Social Policy
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