Page 23 - World of Irish Nursing April 2018
P. 23

CPD   39

            There may be more than one correct
            answer to the multiple choice questions   CPD Quiz
            listed here. The correct answers (given
            below in the inverted text) are those deemed
            most appropriate by the authors in the
            context of this CPD article.

            1. What causes a scald?          3. Early complications of a burn include:  After reading this article you may wish to
            A) Contact with a hot object     A) Fluid loss                   reflect on what you have learned, how this
            b) Exposure to radiation         b) Acute kidney injury          might be applied to your own work and to
            C) Contact with a chemical       C) Scarring                     make a note of this in your portfolio.
            D) Contact with a hot liquid or steam  D) Death

            2. Which features indicate a complex   4. When should non-accidental injury
            burn?                            be suspected in a patient with a burn?
            A) Any thermal burn affecting a critical area  A) The patient is not independently mobile
            b) All chemical and electrical burns  b) The burn is in the shape of an object
            C) A deep partial-thickness burn covering
            less than 1% of the body         C) There is no explanation for the injury
            D) All thermal burns covering more than   D) The patient presented immediately after
            15% of the body in adults        the injury
                                       For further information and resources:            Answers:  Question 1 = D  2 = A, B, D  3 = A, B, D  4 = A, B, C   WIN  Vol 26   No 3 April 2018
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