Page 27 - World of Irish Nursing April 2018
P. 27


         Weather worsens trolley crisis

          March saw an all-time record high for the number of

          patients left on trolleys but the government ignored

          calls to declare an emergency period

          The Irish Times (March 12) gave space   of services in the private acute hospitals   industry ,
          to the trolley crisis under a headline -   must also be sought’. It said that if emer-  there would
          Number of patients on hospital trolleys   gency care is to be prioritised at this time,   be a national
          hits new high of 714. “There are 714   all non-urgent and routine cases need to   inquiry into
          patients on trolleys or on wards awaiting   be cancelled during this period. “We saw   the “predict-
          admission to a hospital bed on Monday   record trolley figures last week with a total   able surge” in patients.  She said the HSE
          – the highest number ever recorded. The   of 3,112 in just one week and on Monday,   should declare a national emergency.”
          Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation   each daily total from that week has been   Staffing issues
          said there were 80 patients deemed to   surpassed by the extraordinary figure of   General secretary, Phil Ní Sheaghdha’s
          require admission by doctors waiting for   714. This upsurge was predictable and the   address to the recent IRN Conference
          a bed at University Hospital Limerick…  INMO warned against inaction in the wake   was reported on in the Industrial Relations
          Nurses said there were 15 children waiting   of Storm Emma. It is unfortunate for both   News (March 15) under a headline Union
          on trolleys for admission to a bed, seven at   healthcare staff and patients that these   challenge is meeting expectations, social
          Temple Street Hospital and eight at Our   warnings were not heeded and that emer-  dialogue has role – Ní Sheaghdha. “For
          Lady’s Hospital, Crumlin…INMO general   gency measures sought have not been put   the INMO itself, Phil Ní Sheaghdha says
          secretary, Phil Ní Sheaghdha said the HSE   in place,” commented INMO general sec-  they are still recovering from the employ-
          should put in pace an immediate directive   retary, Phil Ní Sheaghdha.  ment moratorium, with staffing levels
          to hospitals to cease all elective or non-ur-  RTÉ reported on March 13 “Extra €5m   today at 2,000 below the 2007 level,
          gent admissions. She said the INMO had   for HSE as record 714 patients wait for   even though activity levels have jumped
          sought such a move on two occasions   a bed.” Minister for Health Simon Harris   considerably.
          last week.  The nurses trade union is also   said he has allocated an extra €5m to   “On retention, which is currently a key
          seeking a declaration that the country’s   the HSE to ease hospital overcrowding,   issue for the union and is being formally
          hospitals were now “in complete crisis.” Ms   as levels reached a new record with 714   reviewed by the Public Service Pay Com-
          Ní Sheaghdha said the conditions under   patients on trolleys or on wards awaiting   mission, she said that 250 more nurse
          which patients were being cared for were   admission to a bed according to figures   managers left since 2016, and although
          just “unsafe”.  She said hospitals were   from the Irish Nurses and Midwives Organ-  2,573 staff nurses were taken on, 2,271 had
          just “way too overcrowded, emergency   isation. The money will go towards more   left. There is also increased level of vio-
          departments and wards.” The HSE was just   home care packages, home help hours and   lence against members, she says, as well as
          looking for excuses, she continued; it had   transitional care beds. Mr Harris said that   “burnout and early resignation”. The con-
          first attributed the overcrowding surge to   the health service was already congested   sequences are there for patients in terms
          the flu season and later then to the recent   before Storm Emma and a backlog, built up   of “poor skills mix and reduced staff nurse/
          severe weather.”                  by the storm, has not been cleared…The   midwives ratios”. Ms Ní Sheaghdha also
          Trolley crisis worsened by weather  general secretary of the Irish Nurses and   addressed pay inequality across health
           The  story  was  also carried on   Midwives Organisation said the circum-  professionals, which she said was leading
 (March 13) – Over 700   stances in which people are being cared   to emigration and difficulties in recruiting
          patients on trolleys nationwide. “The   for now is “absolutely unsafe.” Speaking   from overseas. The agency spend in 2017
          INMO has repeatedly called for a two-  on RTÉ’s News at One, Phil Ní Sheaghdha   was €246m, of which €65m was spent
          week period in March to be declared, and   said the volume of patients is too high to   on nursing. The union wants to see 2,600
          treated, as an emergency period in the   give proper, correct and humane care. Ms   extra acute beds depending on reform, 190
          public health service. This would allow for   Ní Sheaghdha said the INMO wrote to the   critical care and 1,300 regarding care of
          extraordinary measures to be put in place   HSE last Monday to ask them to declare   the older person. All of these, she added,
          to focus on recovering from the backlog   a national emergency in hospital services   require a serious investment in nursing
          created by Storm Emma. The Organisation   for two weeks as a result of Storm Emma,   and midwifery recruitment and retention   WIN  Vol 26   No 3 April 2018
          insisted that “In this crisis, all measures to   adding that the crisis was entirely predict-  measures.”
          properly resource and staff the health ser-  able. She said the HSE is not planning on   Ann Keating is the media relations officer for the INMO.
          vice must be explored and the assistance   a national basis, saying if it was any other   email:
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