Page 28 - World of Irish Nursing April 2018
P. 28

Diabetes   47

                             Improving glycaemic

           control in type 2 diabetes

                     early initiation of pharmacological therapy is associated with

          improved glycaemic control and reduced long-term complications in

                                         type 2 diabetes, writes Poochellam Muthalagu
          Part two of a two-part article

          PeoPle with type 2 diabetes and hyper-  postprandial plasma glucose levels.   failure, weight gain and hypoglycaemia. 4
          tension should be treated to a systolic   Metformin alters the composition of   Thiazolidinediones
          blood pressure goal of ≤ 140mmHg and   gut microbiota and activates mucosal   NICe recommends that thiazolidinediones
          lower targets may be appropriate for cer-  AMP-activated protein-kinase (AMPK) that   (TZDs) should be considered as second-line
          tain individuals.                 maintains the integrity of the intestinal   therapy, in addition to metformin, if the
           As a primary prevention strategy in people   barrier. Metformin in combination with the   risk of hypoglycaemia with sulphonylureas
          with type 2 diabetes, in those at increased   activation of AMPK decreases hepatic glu-  would be unacceptable.
          cardiovascular risk (10-year risk > 10%)   coneogenesis. It also decreases intestinal   TZDs increase insulin sensitivity by
          aspirin therapy of 75mg/day should be con-  absorption of glucose and improves insulin   acting on muscle and adipose tissue to
          sidered. Depending on risk, in most patients   sensitivity by increasing peripheral glucose   increase glucose utilisation and decrease
          with diabetes aged 40 and above, remem-  utilisation. 3             glucose production in the liver.
          ber to use moderate or high dose statins.  1  Metformin reduces fasting blood   TZDs act as insulin sensitisers; thus,
           ADA/NICe recommends an HbA1c ≥   glucose by approximately 20% and   they work in the presence of insulin. They
          48mmol/mol (6.5%) as the threshold for   HbA1c by 1.5%. It can be used in com-  must be taken for 12-16 weeks to achieve
          initiating or up-titrating therapy in general,   bination with sulphonylureas, glinides,   maximal effect. TZDs are associated with
          while ≥ 58mmol/mol (7.5%) remains the   alpha-glucosidase inhibitors, insulin,   an increased fracture risk and in some
          trigger for triple therapy. 2     thiazolidinediones (TZD), glucagon-like   patients may lead to heart failure.  There
          Pharmacological therapy           peptide-1 receptor agonists (GlP1),   is also a possible increased risk of bladder
           early initiation of pharmacological ther-  dipeptidylpeptidase-4 inhibitors (DPP4),   cancer with use of pioglitazone.
          apy is associated with improved glycaemic   and sodium-glucose co-transporter 2   Weight gain is the result of fluid reten-
          control and reduced long-term complica-  inhibitors (SGlT2).        tion and the activation of PPAR-gamma
          tions in type 2 diabetes.           Metformin is contraindicated in patients   in the central nervous system (which
           The initial treatment is guided by the   with factors that predispose to lactic   increases feeding) and the up-regulation
          level of HbA1c at diagnosis, the presence of   acidosis, such as renal impairment, con-  of genes that facilitate adipocyte lipid
          osmotic symptoms, evidence of catabolic   comitant liver disease or excessive alcohol   storage.
          state, and the presence of chronic diabetes   intake, unstable or acute heart failure and   Incretin-based therapy
          complications that may preclude the use of   hypoxia. 3               The incretin agents (GlP1 and GIP),
          a particular therapeutic agent.   Insulin secretagogues: sulphonylureas and   secreted by intestine l cells, increase
           In addition, a patient’s age, body weight,   meglitinides          insulin secretion and inhibit glucagon in
          convenience of administration, and impact   Sulphonylureas are commonly used as   response to nutrient inputs. The glucor-
          on work-related issues (such as driving   second-line agents in patients with type   egulatory effects of incretins are the basis
          motor vehicles) also play a crucial role in   2 diabetes, They can act as an alternative   for treatment with inhibitors of DPP4 in
          determining the order of medications used.   first-line treatment if the patient cannot   patients with type 2 diabetes. Agents that
          The efficacy and side-effect profile of each   tolerate metformin and if the patient is not   inhibit DPP4, an enzyme that rapidly inac-
          drug in the individual patient is also taken   overweight. Sulphonylureas can also be   tivates GlP1, increase active levels of these
          into account.                     added to metformin if glycaemic control is   hormones and, in doing so, improve islet
          Metformin                         inadequate. Sulphonylureas stimulate pan-  function and glycaemic control in type 2
           Metformin is considered the agent   creatic beta cells to release insulin.   diabetes. 4               WiN  Vol 26   No 3 april  2018
          of first-line for treatment of type 2   The glucose-lowering effect is said to be   Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors: DPP-4
          diabetes in the absence of contraindi-  high for sulphonylureas. The main side-ef-  inhibitors (eg. sitagliptin, saxaglip-
          cations. Metformin lowers basal and   fects are loss of efficacy due to beta cell   tin, linagliptin, vildagliptin) are a class
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