Page 31 - World of Irish Nursing April 2018
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50   Focus

           Primary healthcare professionals have the       Figure 1: Management of fibromyalgia
           best knowledge of our patients from the               (EULAR guidelines 2016)   8
           biopsychosocial perspective as well as pro-
           viding primary care over a prolonged period   History and physical examination
           of time and it would only seem right that
           the primary care setting should be the focal   Diagnosis of fibromyalgia
           point of management. an early and positive                                     If needed to exclude treatable
           diagnosis could reduce costs by avoiding   Patient education and information sheet  comorbidities:
           unnecessary testing, imaging, medication                           if insufficient effect  •  Laboratory and/or radiological
           use, specialist referrals and primary care visits.  Physical therapy with individualised graded physical exercise (can   exams
             The diagnosis of fibromyalgia is based   be combined with other recommended non-pharmacological   •  Referral to other specialties
           mostly on the clinical evaluation and with   therapies such as hydrotherapy, acupuncture)
           simple blood tests. although testing for the                       if insufficient effect
           typical 18 sites for tenderness as specified   Reassessment of patient to tailor individualised treatment
           by the aCr is helpful, it should not be used
           to confirm the diagnosis as the examination   Additional individualised treatment
           alone is mainly a subjective technique. it is   Pain-related depression,   Severe pain/sleep disturbance  Severe disability/sick leave
           reported that 25% of patients diagnosed with   anxiety, catastrophising, overly
           fibromyalgia do not have 11 tender points .7   passive or active coping
           However, asking the patient about the
           associated symptoms including non-restor-  Psychological therapies  Pharmacotherapy  Multimodal rehabilitation
           ative sleep, poor concentration and fatigue    Mainly CBT  Severe pain         programmes
           in the setting of chronic widespread pain   •   For more severe depression/ • Duloxetine
           strongly suggests a diagnosis of fibromyalgia.   anxiety, consider psycho- • Pregabalin
                                                pharmacological treatment
             only simple blood tests like FbC, U&E,                 •  Tramadol (or in combination
                                                                     with paracetamol)
           TFTs (to rule out hypothyroidism), ESr,                  Severe sleep disturbance
           CrP, a comprehensive metabolic panel, and                • Low-dose amitriptyline
           fasting glucose test are needed. Vitamin                 • Cyclobenzaprine or
           D levels could also be taken because vitamin             • Pregabalin at night
           D deficiency can aggravate pain, although it
           doesn’t cause it.  antibodies such as aNa,   (or both if they are present). Psychological   with increased sensitivity to alcohol.
           rF and anti-CCP may be requested if the   therapies are included in updated guide-  Sleep hygiene is imperative, as patients
           examination suggests an autoimmune cause.   lines and include education an cognitive   with disturbed sleep patterns and lifestyle
           Specialist consultation should be sought if   behavioural therapy (CbT). 8, 9  changes often experience increased fatigue,
           symptoms suggest an alternative diagnosis.   Non-pharmacological:    which might result in non-compliance. Care
           Management and treatment          • Active therapy including aerobic exercise   should be taken with prescribing medica-
             There is no cure for fibromyalgia and   (20 min/day, two to three times a week)  tions such as opiates and neuroleptics due
           treatment should aim towards reducing   • Passive therapy including balneotherapy   to their addictive nature.
           symptoms and a goal of the patient reaching   (heated spa or pool treatment), massage,   Declan Brennan is a general practitioner in Mullingar;
           optimal function in daily life. management   manipulation            Peter Polydoropoulos is a psychiatry registrar at St Loman’s
           of symptoms should take into consideration   Psychological:          Hospital, Mullingar and Patrick Murphy is a consultant
           the fluctuating and heterogenous nature of   •  Education to explain symptoms and   physician at the Midland Regional Hospital, Tullamore
           symptoms in a multimodal, patient-tailored   mechanisms of fibromyalgia  References
                                                                                1. Fitzcharles M, et al. 2012 Canadian Guidelines for the
           approach.  Educating the patient is helpful   •  CBT to reduce pain with focus on what   Diagnosis and Management of Fibromyalgia Syndrome:
           since diagnosis and an explanation for their   links pain, thought (mood) and behaviour   Executive Summary. Pain Research and Management.
           symptoms should reassure the patient that   (negative coping strategies).  2013;18(3):119-126.
                                                                                2. Okifuji A, et al. Management of fibromyalgia syndrome
           they do not have a more severe illness. 1   Pharmacological:         in 2016. Pain Management. 2016;6(4):383-400.
           This would hopefully reduce the need for   • Anti-depressant: amitriptyline 10-50mg  3. Giusti E, Castelnuovo G, Molinari E. Differences in
                                                                                Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary Treatment
           unnecessary investigations. 7     • Anti-convulsant: pregabalin 300-600mg  Programs for Fibromyalgia: A Mapping Review. Pain
             recent EUlar guidelines recommend   •  Serotonin-norepinephrine re-uptake   Research and Management. 2017;2017:1-19.
           focusing on pain, fatigue, sleep and daily   inhibitor: duloxetine 60-120mg  4. Goldenberg D. Management of Fibromyalgia
                                                                                Syndrome. JAMA. 2004;292(19):2388.
           functioning. These recommendations are evi-  •  Tramadol and paracetamol combination:   5. Arnold L, Clauw D. Challenges of implementing
           dence-based, can be tailored to the individual   Tramadol 37.5mg/325mg paracetamol   fibromyalgia treatment guidelines in current clinical
                                                                                practice. Postgraduate Medicine. 2017;129(7):709-714.
           patient and include both pharmacological
                                              four times per day.
                                                                                6. Fibromyalgia Criteria | National Data Bank for
       WIN  Vol 26   No 3 April 2018  gest a graduated approach, beginning with   ing amitriptyline 7.5mg nocte titrating up to   2017 [cited 11 October 2017].
                                                                                Rheumatic Diseases [Internet].
                                               Experience at a clinical level involves start-
           and non-pharmacological therapies.
             The EUlar guidelines in Figure 1 sug-
                                                                                7. Rahman A, Underwood M, Carnes D. Fibromyalgia. BMJ.
                                             50mg (if needed) per night optimal for pain
                                                                                2014;348(feb24 5):g1224-g1224.
                                             and sleep relief. Pregabalin can be started at
           non-pharmacological therapies such as
                                                                                8. Macfarlane G, et al. EULAR revised recommendations
           exercise with an individualised pharmaco-
                                             25mg, twice daily for pain and anxiety, titrat-
                                                                                for the management of fibromyalgia. Annals of the
                                                                                Rheumatic Diseases. 2016;76(2):318-328.
           logical plan thereafter for the treatment
                                             ing up as needed. Side-effects can be an
                                                                                9. [Internet]. 2017 [cited 11 October 2017]. www.
           of either severe pain or sleep disturbance
                                             initial complaint with pregabalin, especially
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