Page 34 - World of Irish Nursing April 2018
P. 34


         Public health risk linked to sea bathing

         Sea swimmers at risk of gastrointestinal disorders such as diarrhoea

          PeoPle who swim in the sea or take part   lution is still an issue affecting swimmers   is still being polluted from sources like
          in water sports are at risk of experiencing   in some of the world’s richest countries,”   industrial waste, sewage and farmland
          gastrointestinal disorders such as diar-  she added.                run-off.
          rhoea, and also ear aches, according to   This large-scale project reviewed 6,000   The researchers hope that this review
          new research that examined the current   studies and refined these down to 19 key   will lead to further efforts to clean up our
          evidence in this area. The research looked   studies for inclusion in a meta-analysis.   coastlines. In addition, they say that more
          at sea bathing in high-income countries   It is the first systematic review of the   research is needed on the micro-organ-
          and the possible associated public health   evidence on whether spending time in the   isms responsible for infections.
          risks.                            sea is associated with an increased risk of   While sea swimming has many benefits,
           The results showed that swimming in   infections.                  the research team said that it is important
          the sea increased the odds of reporting   The study focused on high income   that people are aware of the risks in mak-
          ear ache by 77% and for gastrointestinal   countries including the UK, US, Australia,   ing a decision to go into the sea. Although
          illnesses and diarrhoea by 29%.   New Zealand, Denmark and Norway.  people recover from infections, some can
           “our paper shows that spending time   Interestingly, the study found no differ-  prove more serious for vulnerable people
          in the sea does increase the probability of   ence in terms of picking up an infection   such as the elderly or very young people
          developing illnesses such as ear ailments   between those who put their heads under   with pre-existing health conditions.
          and problems involving the digestive sys-  the water and those who don’t.  The paper ‘Is it safe to go back in the
          tem such as stomach ache and diarrhoea,”   The researchers at the University of   water?’ was recently published in the
          said Dr Anne leonard, University of exeter   exeter concluded that despite significant   International Journal of Epidemiology. It
          Medical School.                   investment to improve water quality in   was funded by the european Regional
           “We think that this indicates that pol-  the sea, the water in developed countries   Development Fund.

          INMO’s Richmond nominated for conservation award

         The INMo’s restoration and redevelop-  The Richmond project involved the   attention to the historic nature of the
         ment of The former  Richmond hospital   complete refurbishment of the former   building.
         building was shortlisted as a finalist in the   Richmond hospital building to form a   The INMo project, which is now the
         Irish Construction excellence (ICe) Awards.  new teaching, training and event hosting   Richmond education and event Centre,
           Nominated under the ‘Public or herit-  facility for the INMo.      faced stiff competition with The National
         age Building/Conservation or Restoration’   The building is a protected structure,   Gallery, the GPo Witness history and
         category, the ICe Awards are the premier   constructed in the 1890s, that previously   Medieval Mile Museum, Kilkenny all nom-
         recognition and performance excellence   accommodated a hospital and a courts   inated in the same category. Nonetheless,
         for the contracting sector in Ireland.   service.                    being a finalist among such company was   WIN  Vol 26   No 3 April 2018
         Townlink Construction submitted the   The contractors had to ensure that   an achievement in itself.
         application on behalf of the work carried   all works undertaken within the build-  The winner was due to be announced as
         out at The Richmond.               ing were carried out with due care and   WIN went to press.
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