Page 17 - World of Irish Nursing April 2018
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Section newS   23

          Care of Older Person Section meets

          in Portlaoise for annual conference

         More than 100 members of
         the National Care of the older
         Person Section attended its
         recent annual conference in
         Portlaoise in March.
           In the morning session, Tony
         Fitzpatrick, INMo interim
         director of industrial relations,
         discussed the expansion of the
         role of the nurse in the care
         of the older person area. Mr
         Fitzpatrick emphasised the
                                                       Attending the INMO National Care of the Older Person Section conference in Portlaoise were (l-r):
         importance of the role and the             Prof William Molloy, UCC and consultant geriatrician HSE; Caroline Gourley, Section chair; Margo Lydon,
         work that nurses in this area do.   Section vice-chair; Steve Pitman, INMO head of education and professional development; Mary Martin, independent
           Prof Willie Molloy, professor      educational consultant; Martina Harkin-Kelly, INMO president; Tony Fitzpatrick, INMO interim director of industrial
         of medicine and chair of the      relations; Tracy Keating, RNAP, Anam Cara; Eileen O’Keefe, Section education officer; Jean Carroll, Section development
                                                                                 officer, INMO; and Noreen Watts, Section secretary
         newly established Centre for
         Gerontology and rehabilita-  in different ways by different   a topic most relevant to this   policy, gave a talk on delegation
         tion, gave a paper on advanced   people and that only the patient   sector.  He discussed the   and fitness to practise. This ses-
         care directives. Prof Molloy is    genuinely understands the sig-  importance of being engaged   sion was extremely informative,
         the author of Let Me Decide,   nificance of that experience.    in your job and spoke about   once again highlighting the
         an advanced care directive and   The role of the advanced   burn out, how to identify emo-  benefit of being a member of
         palliative care programme, and   nurses practitioner in com-  tional labour and compassion   the INMo, should you ever be
         he gave an enlightening speech   munity older person care was   fatigue, and looking at possible   referred to the NMBI.
         that provoked a great  deal of   discussed by Tracy Keating, an   solutions to increasing work   The day  was  evaluated
         discussion on this important   advanced nurse practitioner in   engagement and ultimately   highly by all who attended.
         issue.                    this area. She outlined her  role   increasing job satisfaction.    The conference planning
           In the clinical area, the topic   and how it developed, stating   Delegates were very engaged   committee wish to thank
         of understanding wound dress-  that there is an ever-increas-  and there were plenty of ques-  all those who attended, the
         ings was covered by Mary   ing need for more clinical nurse   tions and answers.   companies who offered their
         Martin, an independent edu-  specialists and advanced nurse   The afternoon  session   support  and  sponsorship,
         cational consultant in wound   practitioners in older person   included a talk on pensions   and the INMo for its ongo-
         management. Her  talk included   care, as every older person has   from both a private and public   ing support in delivering these
         learning about how to choose   the right to access to the right   perspective. Denis Brophy, an   important days, giving the
         the best dressing, what the   care and support in the appro-  independent financial con-  opportunity to delegates to
         wound needs, what the dress-  priate setting.       sultant, hosted this session   update their skills and knowl-
         ing does and choosing a match.   Steve Pitman, INMo head   and it sparked a wide-ranging   edge and affording them the
         She told the conference that the   of education and professional   discussion.   time to network with one
         impact of living with a wound   development, spoke on burn   edward Mathews, INMo   another. Plans have started on
         and its treatment can be seen   out and work engagement,   director of regulation and social   next year’s event already.

         ODN conference set for Tullamore                                              Retired Section trip

         THe operating Department   consent and documentation   smartphone usage in the oper-  THe  retired Nurses and
         Nurses Section is holding its   in clinical practice, by Helen   ating theatre; count policy;   Midwives Section is looking
         annual conference later this   o’Shea, a barrister at law.  Fol-  nurse-led extubation; paedi-  forward to its spring break
                                                                                       which is set to take place in
         month on April 20-21 in Tul-  lowing this, edward Mathews,   atric spinal surgery; nursing   Kenmare, Co Kerry. The trip
         lamore, Co offaly. Bookings   INMo director of regulation   considerations for  spinal   starts on Sunday, April 15
         can be made online at www.  and social policy, will cover the   surgery; accountability and   and covers four nights. or at Tel:   topic of open disclosure.   person-centredness.   Bookings can still be made
         01 6640641 / 01 6640616.    Friday’s  session will conclude   The  poster competition   by contacting McGinleys
           The theme this year is ‘Lead-  with a meeting of the oDN   awards will complete the line
         ership and accountability in   Section, and following this a   up for the day.    Travel at Tel: 074 9135201.   win  Vol 26   no 3 April 2018
                                                                                         Any informal queries can
         perioperative practice’.   light supper will be served.     The planning committee   be directed to Myra Garahan
           Friday afternoon’s session   The topics for discussion   looks forward to welcoming
         will include talks on informed   on Saturday will include: risk;   attendees to the event.    at Tel: 01 8384407.
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