Page 27 - Suroit 6sept18_Neat
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Your Authorized
                                                                                                                          Central Boiler
                                                                                                                         Ferme Maiview Farm
                                                                                                                         E & R Maither
                                                                                                                         2130, 1 Concession
                                                                                                                        Athelstan, Qc  J0S 1A0
                                 THE FREE ENGLISH INDEPENDANT NEWSPAPER IN THE REGION                                   Tel.: 450 264-6937
                                                                                                                        Randy: 450 264-5921  (parle français)
                                                                                                                         Fax: 450 264-8284
                                                                                                                         E-mail:  1808107

          450.371.8051 • 1.877.371.8051  September 6  2018 ı Vol. 20  No.21

                           Haut-Saint-Laurent                                     through SABEC. Last year, the Foundation was
                                                                                  able  to  offer  13  free  transports  to  patients.
        NEW EDITION OF THE BETTY                                                  This is a major help when considering the cost  J O B       FO  F E R
                                                                                  of  gasoline  and  parking  in  major  Montreal
                       RIEL TRIATHLON                                             hospitals. Mrs. Riel wants to offer even more  A P P  E L  P PA C K E RS
                                                                                  transport this year. “People are so generous in
                                                                                  this  region,  we  can  only  be  optimistic,”  she  W A N T E D
                                                                                                                                                L SU
                                                                                  said with gratitude.                     T O  A P P L LY  P L E A S E  C A LL  A AT
                                                                                                                         4 (  5  ) 0  8 2  4 - 6  2 2 2  O R Y O U  MAY  U B M  T I
                                                                                                                                               A SY
                                                                                                                                                A :T
                                                                                   If  you  want  to  volunteer  your  time,   Y O U R  C V  B Y  E M A  L I AAT
                                                                                  the  Betty  Riel  Foundation  and  SABEC  are   a u d  e e r  @  y j  b  a e l i o  c . u c a
                                                                                  currently  looking  for  drivers  to  accompany
                                                                                  patients  to  their  treatment  sites.  Contact
                                                                                  SABEC  at  450  264-1131  for  more
                                                                                  information. n

                                              Jason Stacey crossed the finish line
                                             first, but it is important to remember
                                              that this event is not competitive.

        The  Betty  Riel  Foundation  triathlon  was  Jason  Stacey  crossed  the  finish  line  first,
      held  on  August  25.  In  this  charity  event,   but  it  is  important  to  remember  that  this                                                  September 6, 2018
      participants can complete the entire event by  event  is  not  competitive.  On  the  contrary,
      themselves or as a team. Thus, about fifteen  what matters most is participation. Moreover,
      participants took part in the cycling portion.  the Betty Riel Foundation presents a trophy
                                            each  year,  through  a  draw  among  all  the
        They left Châteauguay Valley Regional High  participants.
      School in Ormstown for Arthur Pigeon High
      School  in  Huntingdon.  The  participants,  or  The amount raised during this event will be
      their  teammates  for  those  who  did  it  as  a  known later in September. In addition, other                                                      The Southwest News
      team, then paddled from the high school to  fundraising  events  will  take  place  in  the
      Dewittville  in  the  kayak  portion. They  then  coming months. We will keep you informed.
      ran back to Châteauguay Valley High School.
      In total, some forty participants took part in  The  Betty  Riel  Foundation  offers
      the triathlon.                        transportation  to  Montreal  hospitals  for
                                            patients  from  the  Haut-Saint-Laurent                                                                        - Page 27
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