Page 29 - Suroit 6sept18_Neat
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Provincial Elections
Investiture in Huntingdon
Mona ROCHON of the largest in Québec in terms of size.
Asked what motivated him to run for
More than 500 supporters of the Québec another term in spite of the demands on his
Liberal Party were present at the inauguration of family, Mr. Billette preferred to let his wife
Stéphane Billette on August 21. The event was Claude Poulin answer. “It’s not a decision he
held at the Hemmingford Golf Club, in the made one morning, but one that was made
presence of Premier Philippe Couillard and a over time, because we’ve been in this for ten
dozen confirmed candidates for the next years. Our family lives with time constraints as
provincial election. other families live with other types of
constraints. We have a family routine like all the
Louise Lachance-Legault, President of the families that have a spouse who is absent part
Huntingdon Liberal Association, was pleased to of the week.” Ms. Poulin emphasized the
announce the election of Mr. Billette as a commitment of her husband to his community,
candidate. He received no opposition. which likes him back. “He’s in the right place!
In his speech, Mr. Billette spoke of his He loves what he does, he loves meeting his
awakening to politics, as well as to the values of constituents. It’s not for everyone!” She added.
the Québec Liberal Party in the 1980 The Prime Minister was invited to address
referendum. He also thanked his wife of 25 the crowd. He, of course, supported Mr. Billette,
years, since such a political commitment is but also spoke of the achievements of his
demanding for the whole family. “She has government since its first election in 2014. At
shared me with the constituents over the last that time, he wanted to revive the economy
ten years,” he explained. and clean up public finances. It’s now done. The
Mr. Billette emphasized the importance of Liberal Party of Québec, at present, wants to
working together with the people. He listed improve the quality of life of Quebecers. “We
some of his accomplishments in the riding since live in one of the best places in the world,” he
his first-ever election in 2008: repairs to roads, said, adding that there is always room for
schools and retirement homes, construction of improvement.
daycare centres and sports facilities, legislation Mr. Couillard will also provide his unwavering
to enable Québec wine producers to sell their support to farmers in issues such as supply
wines in grocery stores… All of this was made management. The economic uncertainty that
possible, he said, because people worked hangs over the policies of our southern
together on each of these issues. He attributes neighbour makes it imperative to protect these
his success over the past ten years to his assets for our agricultural producers, he
relationship with the citizens of his riding, one said. n
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