Page 107 - NOVDEC 2023 ION Indie Magazine
P. 107

Tim Board: What got you started in music?               Carriesa: What stands out to me the most
                                                                  is  my  album  ‘Blue  Diaries’  being
          Carriesa: I grew up in a musical family. I              considered  for  a  Grammy  by  the
          started playing piano when I was four and               Recording      Academy        for   the    2022
          began playing piano and drums in church                 Grammy  Awards.  Also,  my  music  being
          at the age of nine.                                     placed on PGA Golf Channel, and other
                                                                  movie and television series placements.
          TB: How would you describe your music to
          someone who has not heard it?                           TB: What do you feel is one of the biggest
                                                                  misconceptions people have about indie
          Carriesa:  My  music  is  versatile and                 artists?
          inspirational!    It   provides     something
          different  that  is  influential  to  different         Carriesa:  I  think  one  of  the  biggest
          cultures and backgrounds.                               misconceptions people have about indie
                                                                  musicians  is  that  we  are  actually  doing
          TB: Who are your influences?                            everything by ourselves! I think at the end
                                                                  of    the     day,     people       have      to
          Carriesa:  My  biggest  influences  are                 understand that  it  really  does  require  a
          Brandy, Missy Elliot, Tye Tribbett, and Toni            community  to  generate  the  desired
          Braxton.                                                effects of being independent in the music
          TB:  Your  most  recent  single  is  'Stand  By
          You.’ What is the story behind this song?               TB: What can your fans look forward to in
          Carriesa:  My  single  ‘Stand  By  You’  is  a
          redeclaration of my commitment to God.                  Carriesa:  More  performance  dates  and
          I've  made  a  lot  of  mistakes  and  bad              new music coming soon!
          choices over the years that caused me to
          stray  away  and  become  distant  with                                       ***
          God. After going through a rough patch
          in my life, I came to the realization that I            You  can  find  Carriesa  on  social  media,
          am absolutely NOTHING without Him.                      give her a follow, help support her musical
                                                                  career -- and be on the lookout for fresh
          TB:  As  you  look  back  at  what  you  have           music in 2024!
          accomplished,  what  really  stands  out  to

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