Page 86 - JanFeb 2023_ION Indie Magazine
P. 86
Tim Board: How did you get started in MH: (con’t) It can be the essence of their stage
music? presence or certain way they do their vocal
runs. They inspire me. I believe every
Miu Haiti: I grew up with a sax player in the knowledge I absorb makes me a better artist.
house. My dad took me to rehearsals, shows,
and even music video shoots when I was a kid. TB: Your debut album ‘Unexpected’ was
We listened to all types of music at home: released in 2014. Talk about that album.
French ballads, pop music, Haitian roots, Latin,
jazz, and classical music was a staple on MH: In retrospect, I realize that ‘Unexpected’
Sundays. I naturally found myself making music had for its purpose to cheer myself up and also
as a young adult. After a few performances at to give me confidence when no one else would.
the annual festivities in my school, I got my start I talked about things I would never say out loud,
in a national contest and I never looked back like feeling suffocated in a male dominated
since. industry and wanting to get away from it or
stating several times how confident I am in my
TB: For those who have not heard your skills and my craft -- when in real life, I prefer
music, how would you describe your letting other people praise me.
TB: Since the album, you have released
MH: I think of myself as a sponge, I absorb many singles, which is a route many artists
everything I find exceptional and beautiful over take these days. What are your feelings
the years. I don’t think my music can fit in a box about releasing singles versus a full
however I can say that pop, hip hop, and R&B album?
are quite prominent genres in my sound.
MH: Releasing a body of work gives a chance
TB: You were born and raised in the country for broader conversations versus, in the case
of Haiti. What brought you to the United of singles, you get to focus everyone’s attention
States? in one direction. I enjoy both, however I’m due
for a body of work and I’m super proud of
MH: Since I started, I wanted to go international. myself for going in a personal and intimate
I always dreamed big, and the US is obviously direction and writing about the difficult things I
the number one place if you want to conquer the would normally sweep under the rug.
world in entertainment…so, it was a no-brainer.
TB: Your current single is ‘Real Ones.’ What
TB: You compose and sing in 4 different is the story behind this song?
languages, Creole, French, Spanish, and
English, which allows you the opportunity to MH: They often say, as you get older in life,
work with artists from other countries. What your circle of friends grows smaller and
have you learned working with artists from smaller. When adulting, you slowly realize who
other countries and how does this help you have been by your side steadily throughout the
with your musical career? years and these people deserve to be
celebrated. I’m incredibly grateful for my ‘Real
MH: I absolutely love collaborations with other Ones.’ I don’t know what I did to deserve them,
artists! I believe something magical happens so I wanted to let them know…this one is for
when creative minds get together to funnel their them.
expression in a piece. It’s even stronger when
we come from different cultures and have TB: You have worked in fashion, and are
different styles and point of views. I learn also a poet. In 2012, you released a book of
something from each artist I have worked with. your poems. How do these compliment
(con’t.) your music career?