Page 110 - ION Indie Magazine JanFeb 2020 Issue
P. 110

Jones doesn’t need recognizable names to convince of her
                               music’s appeal – she just needs to be heard. Her voice in and
                               of  itself  is  something  to  experience.  She  has  a  range and
                               versatility  that  is  quite  striking  –  from  sweet  and  subtle  to
                               fierce  and  powerful…or  she  will  often  move  in  and  out  of
                               falsetto effortlessly in homage to some of her diva influences
                               like Mariah Carey.

                               Before ending her set, she inserted an acapella rendition of
                               “The Christmas Song,” a holiday classic done by many, but
                               with  Jones  and  her  voice  alone,  it  was  one  of  the  most
                               beautiful and inspirational takes of it that I have ever heard.

                               But, she’s quite the instrumentalist as well. In her short set,
                               she played banjo, guitar, piano, harmonica, and even some
                               impressive slide guitar work. The final cadenza to her intense
                               last tune “Tough Guys” even had her wailing on harmonica
                               and slide guitar simultaneously!

                               At  29,  Caroline  Jones  hasn’t  settled  just  for  making  great
                               music and collaborating with so many performers, she also
                               hosts  her  own  show  on  Sirius  XM’s  The  Coffee  House
                               channel where she converses with and performs with other
                               musicians. She has additionally created an initiative she calls
                               “The Heart Is Smart” (or T.H.I.S.) in which she works with
                               school  and  universities,  hundreds  so  far,  to  conduct
                               songwriting and entrepreneurship workshops.

                               Caroline Jones’ very memorable performance was a striking
                               glimpse  of  a  great  artist  whose  successes  are  only  just
                               beginning and that we’ll be fortunate enough to hear much
                               more from her in the future. Maybe it will be country music,
                               maybe it will something that doesn’t fit such a rigid definition.
                               But it will surely be great music.

                                Caroline Jones links:

                               Caroline Jones making of “The First Noel”:
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