Page 9 - ION Indie Magazine_MayJune 2022
P. 9

Now, Sylvia has released a concept album for children, families, and the dreamer in
                         all of us. "Nature Child - A Dreamer's Journey" will inspire young and old alike to follow
                         their dreams. The album represents an important milestone for Sylvia. Having written
                         more and more of her own material in recent years, Sylvia co-wrote all the songs on
                         "Nature Child" with writers Verlon Thompson, John Mock, Thom Schuyler, and Craig
                         Bickhardt.  The  album  was recorded  in  Nashville  amid  the  pandemic  with  Sylvia’s
                         longtime friend, collaborator, and co-producer, John Mock. Every vocal note, including
                         her gorgeous ethereal harmonies, is a product of Sylvia’s extraordinary singing talents
                         and her legendary ability to bring the listener to the heart of her music.

                         “Dreaming our dreams and endeavoring to LIVE them brings us to a deeper knowing
                         of who we are,” says Sylvia. “Our dreams are calling to us even as we are looking for
                         them, and the most effective dreaming is playful and alive. My own dream is that the
                         music will embolden, delight, and encourage listeners of all ages to keep dreaming,
                         despite any challenges they may meet along the way.”

                         Sylvia continues, "This record has been in the making for 34 years. I was initially
                         inspired to create this music at the end of the eighties when I deliberately took a break
                         from full-time touring to write songs. I took time to reflect and think about what I was
                         truly inspired to write about. Then, I remembered what a beautiful surprise it was that
                         kids came to my concerts in droves. I was so touched, night after night, listening to
                         these kids singing all the words to my songs like ‘Nobody’ and ‘Snapshot.’ I felt such
                         a deep desire to write music for these kids! Music that would encourage them to
                         dream their dreams and feel that they were loved for who they are without changing
                         anything about themselves. These are messages I believe every child needs to hear
                         and feel deeply within themselves to become healthy, happy adults. In fact, we all
                         need to hear that kind of encouragement, no matter our age. Six of the songs on
                         ‘Nature Child — A Dreamer’s Journey’ were written between 1988 and 1990. I wrote
                         those songs with Verlon Thompson. I fully intended to continue writing and record the
                         album around that time period, but life had other plans for me. I knew in my heart that
                         someday the time would come, and I would record this music."

                         Sylvia wrote the opening song “Avalon” with Verlon Thompson. She talks about the
                         song saying, "I thought about naming the album ‘Avalon,’ but I thought it would be too
                         confusing to people and they would think it is about King Arthur and it is not. I felt
                         really good about naming it ‘Nature Child – A Dreamer’s Journey.’"
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