Page 28 - ION Indie Magazine MarchApril 2021
P. 28

Marty Haviik: Thanks guys for sharing to our ION        MH: Which bands or artists have inspired you to
          Indie  Magazine  audience.  Tell  us  a  little  about   make music as a band and as individuals?
          VEER. Where does the name come from and what
          does it mean?                                           RM: We've got eclectic influences. Growing up, I
                                                                  listened   to   everything   from    50’s   rock,
          Ronald Malfi: We are a four-piece hard rock group       alternative/grunge,  orchestral  soundtracks,  you
          out of Maryland, and we've been playing together        name it. We all still listen to a wide variety of music.
          as VEER since, I believe, December 2016. We've
          all played music with different bands in the past,      Christian Mathis: Too many to list here. Earlier on,
          but a few of us took a hiatus that, at least in my      bands  like  Nirvana,  HUM,  and  countless  other
          case,  lasted  about  15  years…you  know,  getting     nineties  bands.  Nowadays,  I'm  exposed  to  so
          married, having kids…I didn't think I'd get back to     many different genres.
          performing again like I did in my late teens and
          early  twenties.  Then  Jon  (drums)  and  I  (lead     JM: I listened to a lot of the same music as the
          vocals/guitar) got together and jammed on some          other guys did, but I was really into a lot of heavier
          tunes I'd written. Jon's my brother and we would        stuff. I was and still am a huge Marilyn Mason fan,
          occasionally  still  jam,  and  after  a  while,  we    Gwar, Killswitch, etc. I like a lot of different types
          decided to piece together an actual band. We hit        of music depending on my mood, but I am a metal
          up Ryan Fowler, a close friend of ours, who had         head at heart. Recently, I have been looking into
          been holding down lead guitar duties for the Kelly      a lot of independent bands, researching them for
          Bell Band for the past several years. Somehow,          myself.  Radio  these  days  is  horrible  and  they
          he  managed  to  find  the  time  to  commit  to  our   continue to play the same old washed-up crap. I
          project as well. He reached out to Christian, who       like  to  discover  new  artists  that  are  out  there
          played  bass,  and  everything  just  fit  like  a  glove   making a name for themselves.
          from that first rehearsal. The band's name comes
          from  the  fact  that  we'd  all  veered  off  to  follow   MH: How would you describe the music?
          different  paths  but  then  reunited  to  play  music
          once again.                                             RM:  I  mean,  it's  hard  rock,  especially  our  first
                                                                  album -- just straight-ahead guitar-driven modern
          MH: How long has VEER been together and what            rock music.
          first got you guys into music?
                                                                  Ryan Fowler: I guess you would call us a modern
          RM: VEER has only been around since late 2016,          rock band if you were using generic terms, but our
          but we've all been playing music for many years.        influences stretch from all corners. We all grew up
          Jon and I used to play all the time in our parents'     listening to a wide variety of music from Jerry Lee
          basement growing up, and Ryan was the guitarist         Lewis to Van Halen to Prince, with a healthy dose
          in a previous band with me, Nellie Blide. There is      of 80s and 90s rock tossed in. We try to look for
          a  certain  intuitiveness  that  comes  with  playing   new  sounds  while  keeping  things  familiar  for  a
          music with people you're close to, people you've        rock audience.
          been  playing  music  with  for  years…an  organic
          chemistry or something.                                 JM:  We  play  what  we  like  and  what  we  think
                                                                  sounds  good.  Sometimes  it  is  straightforward
          Jon Malfi: Our father played guitar and drums in        cause it works, and other times, it is unexpected.
          bands when he was in his early teens. As long as        If we enjoy playing it, that is all that matters. But
          I can remember, music has always been a big part        yeah, hard rock, modern rock…LOL.
          of our lives. I was introduced to all the greats at a
          very  young  age:  The  Beatles,  Cream,  Buddy         MH:  What  is  your  creative  process  like?  Writing
          Holly…and  it  just  left  this  awesome  mystique      lyrics? Music arranging?
          about music and what it all encompassed. Ronald
          even had an old four track tape deck recorder, and
          we would work on making music all the time. It felt
          like we never left the basement.
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