Page 29 - ION Indie Magazine MarchApril 2021
P. 29

RM: Typically, and particularly this year as we're all stuck in our homes, I write the rough ideas of songs,
          music, and lyrics, then bring them to the band. If they like what I've done, we'll work on it…the guys will add
          their parts and suggestions, and we ‘VEER it up,’ as we say. The lyrics always come last, although I usually
          start with a melody and sort of sing nonsensical words over the music as we work on the songs so I know
          what the melody will be, the cadence, all that stuff. It's when I sit down to write the lyrics that I concentrate
          on what the song actually means and how to get that idea across poetically.

          JM: Yeah, what Ronald said. This is our sophomore album, and we are working on it during a pandemic. I
          guess we have had to adapt to how this one is being done as opposed to our debut album ‘Apocalyptic,
          Baby,’ where we all sat in the studio, drank a lot of beer and hashed things out. Ronald does a lot of writing
          and Fowler comes in with his riff work, then everyone puts in their ideas, and we go from there. We like to go
          over every aspect of a song, even the tiny little pauses, breakdowns, and transitions. It is kind of like we are
          kids again in our parent’s basement jamming on some songs Ronald wrote, except it is in my studio now. We
          still fight like little kids though, lol.

                                                                                         Photo credit: Kevin Kangas
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