Page 55 - ION Indie Magazine SeptOct 2020
P. 55

MH: I like to ask this question to all my artists that I interview: With our
          current situation with the pandemic and the craziness of 2020, how has
          this impacted the band, music, and your personal life? And what keeps
          Every Other Year moving forward?

          EOY: Well, 2020 has definitely been an interesting year for all of us. As far
          as the band goes, obviously live shows and touring are out of the picture.
          One of the things that has kept us all going is the really positive feedback
          we've received from the two singles we recently put out, ‘The Look In Your
          Eyes’ and ‘Ghosts.’ We've also had a lot of hope in the fact that those were
          just 2 of the 11 songs off our first full- length album, ‘Remember When,’ that's
          already  recorded  and  done.  Even  though  it’s  been  a  rough  year,  we've
          continued to write new songs and stay active with livestream concerts to keep
          putting positive vibes out there.

          MH:  Tell  me,  what  inspires  you  all  to  write  and  how  is  your  writing

          EOY: We can find inspiration to write in just about anything, whether it be a
          love interest, a breakup, a friendship, things that have been said to us in the
          past, or just simply about how we currently feel about certain situations in our
          lives. We constantly embrace the unpredictable moments when inspiration
          strikes and do our best to capitalize on them by putting it into a song.

          MH: You’ve got several videos posted on YouTube, and so far, I really
          love ‘The Look In Your Eyes.’ Did any event in particular inspire the
          band to write this song and how are Every Other Year songs written?
          Any one writer?

          EOY: Thank you! Yes, ‘The Look In Your Eyes’ was actually written about a
          breakup. I think we were all going through something similar at the time,
          which made the writing process run very smoothly since we were all in a
          similar headspace. The way we write songs is mostly collaborative. Jordan
          would usually have a hook or Michael would have a riff, and we'd all just add
          whatever  we  thought  would  complement  what  everyone  else  was  doing.
          Over  the  years  of  playing  together,  we've  gotten  really  comfortable  with
          improvisation and anticipating what we're all going to play next on the fly.

          MH: Where else do you find the inspiration for the songs and lyrics?

          EOY: We also find inspiration in each other. Like we said previously, our
          songwriting process is extremely collaborative and on the fly. We're always
          bouncing ideas off of each other. That inevitably generates new ones until a
          brand-new song is completed that is the brainchild of all four of us.

          MH: I started my music career as a bass player many years ago and my
          inspiration back then is totally different from what I listen to today. I’m
          always looking for ‘new and different’ in bands and music. What bands
          do you guys like to listen to and who inspires you as a musician?
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