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             Rejuvenating Suncheon City Center  Respecting Nature Within Built Environment
             Suncheon is an internationally reputed eco-city with eco-friendly sites  ‘Framing Nature’ is conceived with an overall form to frame the city’s
             within world-class mountainous landscapes. Jeollanam-do as its leading  impressive natural surroundings with a centrally located courtyard
             district in the Urban Regeneration Project, attracts many locals and tourists  where occupants are able to appreciate the mountainous landscape
             for its scenic natural beauty, cultural significance and deeply embedded  without the distraction of the immediate urbanized environment. The
             heritage. Like many asian suburban cities, Jeollanam-do’s generic, urban  mountains emphasized by the form of the building.
             landscape had been neglected throughout industrial revolution causing
             depopulation, industrial breakaway and building deterioration.  A New Cultural Symbol
             To aid the state’s vision in revitalizing the Old City, the scheme will propose  By harmonizing the cultural significance of the city with the mountainous
             a space to complement the natural beauty whilst enhancing the cultural  landscapes, ‘Framing Nature’ symbolizes the city’s true identity of
             appeal of the city’s heritage.  breathtaking mountainous landscapes and evident cultural heritage.
                                                                                                Mountain view diagram from the site             Aerial view from the main street side

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