P. 8

Massing Concept                 0 4  0 7 i s  - B

                                                                                                                  1  Central courtyard at the heart  2  Structure angled responding to site  3  Yeonja-ru inspired pitched roof

                                                                                                                  4 Panoramic view of mountains  5  Trimmed form for entrances   6  Central core amphitheatre
                                                                                                               The all-encompassing pitched hexagonal cylinder is inspired by the  The building is trimmed at the appropriate locations and heights to
                                                                                                               concept to frame the beautiful panoramic views of the surrounding  provide entrances and views of the scenic mountains. Additionally,
                                                                                                               mountains. A landscaped amphitheater is located at the heart of the  The opening towards the river is chamfered at an angle to allow for
                                                                                                               scheme that captures the natural beauty.   favorable views towards the riverfront.
                                                                                                                 A Confluence of Yeonja-ru(s)

                                                                                             Birdview toward to the surrounding mountains
                                                                                                                                  One gate : linear direction  Circular ring : gathering to center
                                                                                                               The traditional Yeonja-ru is a 2-storey pavilion structure located at  spaces. Located at the core of the scheme, the internal courtyard is
                                                                                                               the south gate of Suncheon wall. ‘Framing Nature’ reinterprets this  protected and emphasized by the gates. These entrances draw attention
                                                                                                               definition into a large structure with multiple gates to enter the internal  to the experiential amphitheater that symbolizes the city’s identity.
                                                                                                                 Cultural Hub
                                                                                                                 The overall hexagon form is inspired
                                                                                                                 by its immediate surroundings with 5
                                                                                                                 entrances decided by circulation routes to
                                                                                                                 and from the site.

                                                             (above)Outdoor exhibition view toward to exhibition space / (bottom left) Courtyard view from entrance hall / (bottom right) Night view

                                                                                                                                                        Site plan s=1:600
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