Page 11 - 2020 Statistical Abstract
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• To make recommendations by means of data collection, research, and studies to the Governor, S.C. Department of Administration,
S.C. Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Office, and the General Assembly regarding policies, roles, operations, and structure of South
Carolina's higher education institutions. (59-11-75(A), 59-101-350, 59-103-35 through 59-103-36, 59-103-45, 59-103-60 through 59-
103-70, FY 17-18 Proviso 11.22., Act 96 of 2017)
• To maintain statewide higher education data collection. (59-53-40, 59-101-350, 59-104-20, 59-143-30, 59-149-40, 59-150-70,
Provisos 1.17., 3.5., 11.17., 11.16., 83.6., and 117.72 of the Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Appropriations Bill H.3720)
• To establish procedures for the transferability of courses at the undergraduate level between and among two-year and four-year
institutions. (59-53-40 and 59-103-45)
• To coordinate with the State Board of Education in determining minimum academic expectations and requirements and approving
appropriate secondary courses for prospective post-secondary students. (59-103-45(2))
• To review minimum undergraduate admissions standards for in-state and out-of-state students. (59-103-45(3))
• To reduce, expand, or consolidate, and beginning July 1, 1999, close any institution which does not meet the standards of
achievement enumerated in Section 59-103-30 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina, as amended. (59-103-45(5))
• To review and approve each institutional mission statement to ensure it is within the overall mission of that particular type of
institution and is within the overall mission of the state. (59-103-45)
• To evaluate the financial health of our public colleges and universities to ensure that, given national and state trends in higher
education, current and proposed academic programs; construction and maintenance projects, leases, and land purchases; and other
activities of those institutions are viable and that access, affordability, and excellence are sustainable. (2-47-40, 2-47-55, 11-51-125,
59-101-187, 59-101-340, 59-101-350, 59-103-30, 59-103-110)
• To administer and provide oversight for a number of student financial aid programs including Palmetto Fellows, LIFE, HOPE, Lottery
Tuition Assistance, S.C. Need-based Grants, and the S.C. National Guard College Assistance Program. (59-104-20, 59-114-40, 59-
142-20, 59-149-10, and 59-150-360 through 59-150-370)
• To provide staff and support to the Smart State® Research Centers of Economic Excellence Program. (2-75-70, however, by Proviso
11.22. of the 2017-2018 Appropriations Bill H.3720, the board is sunsetting)
• To serve as the State Approving Agency (SAA) to evaluate educational/vocational institutions and training establishments where
veterans and others eligible for the GI Bill can receive those benefits. (38 CFR 21.4150 through 38 CFR 21.4155)
• To serve as the fiscal agent for the state electronic Library (PASCAL) system. (Proviso 3.4 of the Fiscal Year 2017-2018
Appropriations Bill H.3720)