Page 12 - Wexler CV Catalog
P. 12

X  INTRODUCTION  NEEDLE HOLDER  SCISSORS                                          INTRODUCTION                  XI

 INTRODUCTION  NEEDLE HOLDERS  Stainless Steel & Titanium                                                              INTRODUCTION

 Stainless Steel & Titanium


 Wexler’s   spring   handled   Needle                                                Wexler Scissors can be found in the
 Holders  are  available  in  various                                                following  shapes:  Straight,  Curved
 lengths and tip styles.  The Barraquer                                              & Angled.
 and  Micro  Needle  Holders  have  fine
 tapered  jaws  while  the  Jacobson
 and  Castroviejo  Needle  Holders  have
 slightly  wider  jaws  for  holding  larger
 Delicate (8-0 & smaller suture)              Micro (6-0 & smaller suture)  needles.    Wexler’s  unique  Needle   Straight             Curved               Angled
 Holder/Scissors  (two  instruments
 incorporated into one) may be used as                                               Sharp  tips  are  typically  used  in
 a Needle Holder for suturing and then                                               delicate dissections, while the blunt
 as scissors to cut the suture.                                                      tips are characteristically used for
                                                                                     gross dissections.
                                1                    2                   3                    4                         5                     2+                    2+B
 Short (7-0 & smaller suture)                      Heavy (3-0 & smaller suture)  Sharp                                    Blunt
 Needle  Holders  contain  a  Tungsten
 Carbide  Insert  or  are  coated  with   TIP STYLES
 Tungsten Carbide. The inserts & the                                                               Here are some of our
 coating  reduce  the  chance  of  the                                                             Scissor tip styles.
 needle slipping.

 TC-Inserts                     TC-Coated
 The  Standard  Box  Lock  is  milled  and
 then  finished  to  create  a  smooth   Ultra Micro Fine   Micro Fine      Vannas            Angled            Tenotomy
 Needle Holder jaw.

 The  Spiral-Line  Box  Lock  is  uniquely   SL0719.1F-170  SL0719.1  SL0785.1F              SL0785.1                SL0719.1F               SL3022.1              SL0734.1
 twisted  to  reduce  the  possibility  of
 Standard Box Lock  Spiral-Line Box Lock  snagging the suture.

 LOCKS             Flat Blunt       Curved            Strongly Curved  Fully Curved    Bead Tip
 Wexler offers a
 standard Lock &   BLADES
 a J-Lock system,
 unique for its                                                                      Blade edges come with a standard edge
 ability to be turned                                                                or  a  Razor  Edge.  Razor  Edge  sissors
 to a non-locking                                                                    feature a unique cutting edge designed
 position.                                                                           to  produce  a  clean  cut  with  minimal
 w/out Lock           w/Lock            w/J-Lock  ®  (locking position)   w/J-Lock  ®  (non-locking position)  effort and are identified by black chrome
 Castroviejo & Jacobson  Castroviejo & Jacobson
 Suture Size Chart  Needle Holders can be found  by :  Standard                     Razor Edge
 Delicate  . . . . . . . . . . .  . 8-0 & smaller  Length    Micro Potts Scissor Blade Lengths Chart
 Micro   . . . . . . . . . . . .  . 6-0 & smaller       Castroviejo  . . . . . . . . . .  .114-132  Micro Fine    . . . . . . . . .  8mm blades
 Micro Short  . . . . . . . .  . 7-0 & smaller       Jacobson  . . . . . . . . . . .  .140-159  Short / Fine  . . . . . . . .  13mm blades
 Tip Size
 TC Inserted Micro  . . . . 5-0 & smaller       Castroviejo  . . . . . . . . . .  .114-132
 Spiral Line  . . . . . . . . .  . 5-0 & smaller       Jacobson  . . . . . . . . . . .  .140-159  Sharp / Fine  . . . . . . . .  17mm blades
 Heavy  . . . . . . . . . . . .  . 3-0 & smaller  Bead Tip   . . . . . . . . . .  17mm blades

 Tel 713.723.6900  •  800.414.1076  •  Fax 713.723.6906  Tel 713.723.6900  •  800.414.1076  •  Fax 713.723.6906
 email:  •  email:  •
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