Page 15 - Wexler CV Catalog
P. 15

XIV          INTRODUCTION                                                     INSTRUMENT CARE                                                 MISC                                                      INTRODUCTION               XV

       INTRODUCTION                                   SINGLE USE     &                                                                       Stainless Steel & Titanium                                                                           INTRODUCTION

                                                      INSTRUMENT CARE


          TIP GUARDS                                                                                                                         INSTRUMENT SPECIFICATIONS
                                                                                                                                             AORTIC PUNCHES
                                                                        Wexler  offers  tinted  and  vented  tip                                                                                               Wexler   offers   reusable   and
                                                                        guards  that  are  available  in  various                                                                                              disposable  Aortic  Punches.  Our
                                                                        shapes  and  sizes  to  ideally  fit  each                                                                                             reusable  punch  is  made  from
                                                                        individual  instrument.    Tip  guards                                                                                                 durable  Stainless  Steel  and  is
                                                                        are  perfect  for  protecting  micro  and                                                                                              available in three different tip sizes.
                                                                        delicate instruments while they are not                                                                                                The disposable punch can be found
                                                                        in use.
                                                                                                                                                                                                               in  the  Single  Use  section  of  this
                                                                                                                                                                                                               catalog  and  is  also  available  with
          IDENTIFICATION TAPE                                                                                                                                                                                  various tip sizes.
                                                                        Wexler  offers  two  different  widths
                                                                        of  identification  roll  tape,  available  in                       IMA DIAMOND KNIFE
                                                                        numerous  colors  to  assist  in  color                                                                                                Our  Diamond  Knives  are  constructed
                                                                        coding and marking instrument sets to                                                                                                  using original diamond blades which are
                                                                        aid in easy identification.                                                                                                            known  to  retain  an  edge  that  will  stay
                                                                                                                                                                                                               sharper  than  GEM  quality  blades.    The
                                                                                                                                                                                                               titanium  handle  allows  the  surgeon  to
                                                                                                                                                                                                               perform  precise  movements  without
                                                                                                                                                                                                               adding the weight of a standard stainless
          STERILIZATION TRAYS                                                                                                                                                                                  steel instrument.
                                                                        Wexler  offers  both  plastic  as  well  as
                                                                        metal  instrument  sterilization  trays
                                                                        in  various  shapes  and  sizes  for  safely                         RETRACTORS
                                                                        sterilizing and storing the instruments.                                                                                               Our  specialty  retractors  are  available
                                                                                                                                                                                                               in  both  self-retaining  and  hand  held
                                                                        The   plastic   trays   are   ideal   for                                                                                              versions as well as in stainless steel and
                                                                        withstanding repeated flash or wrapped                                                                                                 titanium.
                                                                        autoclaving.    Plastic  trays  are  also
                                                                        incredibly  durable  and  come  equipped
                                                                        with  a  silicone  mat  to  keep  the
                                                                        instruments securely in place during the
                                                                        sterilization process.  The clear plastic
                                                                        lids make identifying the contents quick
                                                                        and the tray’s lightweight, sleek design
                                                                        make handling them a simple task.

                                                                        The  metal  trays  offer  a  slightly  higher
                                                                        amount of protection, are fine to use in
                                                                        conventional and flash steam cleanings
                                                                        and tend to improve the evaporation of

                                                                    Tel 713.723.6900  •  800.414.1076  •  Fax 713.723.6906               Tel 713.723.6900  •  800.414.1076  •  Fax 713.723.6906
                                                                    email:  •           email:  •
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