Page 14 - Faith-Based Workbook Sample 8-27-18
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TOPUCU Adult Faith-Based Workbook Goal Setting: Part 2
In the early 1900’s the idea for the discussing deadlines and time tables. But
widespread use of electricity seemed today, we want to discuss dreams. WRITING S.M.A.R.T. GOALS
“unrealistic” and today people are
planning trips to mars. Take at least 15-20 minutes to write down
your most ambitious dreams. Try to think as
Have you ever seen an Olympic champion big and bold as possible. Try to think without "Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take
interviewed after winning gold? They always limitations! Think as though money or time, the first step." — Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Civil Rights Activist
mention how their Olympic goals started as or even ability, are not factors or hindrances.
unrealistic childhood dreams. What is your These are the pie-in-the-sky dreams. These
unrealistic childhood dream? What is the are the things people may have told you are Welcome to Goal Setting Part 2 of the Example:
stuff that seems unattainable? What are the impossible. These are the things that seem TOPUCU Finisher Program. Yesterday, General Goal: I will eat healthier for
BHAG’s in the different areas of your life? unreasonable. But that’s okay, we want you we encouraged you to write your most the next 30 days.
to think unreasonable today. Have fun with it! ambitious dreams. Today, we want to begin Specific Goal: I will eat healthier by
Let your heart race a little. Go for it! the process of turning those dreams into eating at least one fruit a day for the
THE BUILDING BLOCKS goals and those goals into realities. next 30 Days.
Ideally, these goals should feed off of YOUR DREAMS:
each other. Accomplishing your THE S.M.A.R.T. GOAL
short-term goal should be a stepping 2. Your goals should be MEASURABLE
stone for your mid-term and long-term In order to create effective goals you’ll need A measurable goal gives you something
goals. And accomplishing a series of to consider several factors. The S.M.A.R.T. tangible to reach for. In order to create
long-term goals should put you on the Guide is an easy way to remember these a measurable goal you must identify
path to accomplishing your BHAG. factors. Let’s take a look: specific indicators to signify when you
have reached your goal.
For example, let’s say your fitness BHAG is to Specific
run a marathon. Your short term goal would Example:
be something like being able to run 5 miles Measurable General Goal: I will read more
straight within the next 30 days. Then your Achievable books this summer.
mid-term goal would be to get up to being Measurable Goal: I will read 10
able to run 10 miles straight within the next Results-Focused books by August 31 .
6 months. Your long-term goal should be
something like competing in a half-marathon. Time-Bound
All of these goals require discipline and
sacrifice, like cutting out unhealthy foods, 3. Your goals should be ACHIEVABLE
getting proper rest and utilizing fitness plans. 1. Your goals should be SPECIFIC As you set your goals, you must be honest
And all of these goals should build upon A specific goal has a much better chance with yourself. While we do encourage you
one another until you’re ready to run that at getting accomplished than a general to reach for greater things and Big Hairy
Marathon. Boston, here we come! goal. In order to create a specific goal you Audacious accomplishments, you must
must answer questions like: make sure that your goals challenge you
without defeating you. As you create your
WRITING YOUR VISION • What exactly do I want to accomplish? goals consider these questions:
• What specific and defined steps will I
Today’s EXERCISE is simple, but exciting! As take to accomplish this goal? • Is it possible?
we discussed earlier, the difference between • Have others done it successfully?
a goal and a dream is that a goal is a dream • Do I have the necessary knowledge, skills,
with a deadline. Then, we’re going to begin abilities or resources to accomplish it?
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