Page 11 - Faith-Based Workbook Sample 8-27-18
P. 11
TOPUCU Adult Faith-Based Workbook Mission Statement: Part 2
3. List a few ways that you enjoy expressing
your uniqueness and talents when PEOPLE OF INFLUENCE
interacting with other people.
Example: to support, to inspire,
to lead, to help, to motivate, to
encourage, to educate, etc. 6. Your final task for today is to take the Welcome to Mission Statement Part 2 of 3. Name 2-4 fictional characters that you
thoughts you’ve written in the first 5 the TOPUCU Finisher Program. In Part 1 we look up to or who inspire you.
questions and combine them into a took a little time to formulate a summary
summary statement. Pick out the parts statement that will be very useful in building
you feel most strongly about or those your personal mission statement. Now we
that are most important to you. Take would like to look at the next very important
a little time with this – try different aspect of this process.
combinations of words and phrases to We are going to take some time to consider
see which encompasses whom you are. people you look up to or people who inspire
4. Think about principles that are very Feel free to change and edit it as you see 4. Select some (or all) of these people and
important to you. fit until it comes together. Write it as a you in a positive way. When considering your write about why they inspire you or why
personal mission statement, identifying these
positive declaration of who you are and people can go a long way in helping you to you look up to them.
Example: integrity, morality, honesty, how you want to affect your world and pinpoint your own core values.
faith, generosity, frugality, discipline, the people around you.
optimism, curiosity, etc.
Example: “I will use my creativity and my 1. Name 2-4 people you know or have
talent for working with children as a way known personally who you look up to
of encouraging young people to freely or who inspire you.
express their unique talents. I will take
every opportunity to be generous and
do whatever I can to help others live a
better life.”
5. Now it’s time to do something fun.
Imagine a perfect world. In your eyes, 2. Name 2-4 individuals you do NOT
what does a perfect world look like? know personally who you look up to
How do people in this world interact or who inspire you.
with each other? What does it feel like?
Write a statement that expresses this idea.
Example: athletes, musicians,
entrepreneurs, TV personalities, etc.
Example: “Everyone is encouraged to This is the end of Mission Statement Part 1,
freely express his or her own unique but it’s only the beginning of this journey.
talents. People are working to better The statement you have put together here
their lives and the lives of others around will serve as a foundation for the rest of this
them. Everyone is expressing love.” journey. You’ll revisit it over and over as we
form your overall personal mission statement
and your goals. Great work today!
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