Page 6 - Faith-Based Workbook Sample 8-27-18
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TOPUCU Adult Faith-Based Workbook Lesson 1: Part 1
How many of us have started out the of participating in the given behavior. The Many of us are familiar with organizations have you wear the TOPUCU wristband. It’s
New Year with a resolution for a change third component is the reward or the that assist people with losing weight. They a continuous reminder that when you give
or self-improvement? Unfortunately, these satisfaction of getting the desired effect you use this principle in their programs. They up, the only person you’re hurting is yourself.
resolutions aren’t as simple to keep as they set out to achieve in the first place. know the trigger – the desire to eat – will When the urge to set down the weights
were to make! If they were really that simple, still be there. They also know that the before your final rep hits, look at that
none of us would have to recommit to our Now let’s take a look at a simple example of reward or wanting to feel satisfied will still wristband. When you’re exhausted and you’d
New Year’s Resolutions every 2 weeks. a habit: Eating ice cream. Who doesn’t enjoy be there. So they make it their priority to rather go to bed than study for one more
Often, a critical failure in any resolution is a eating a nice bowl of ice cream at night? change the routine. Over time, the change hour, look at that wristband. When the ice
lack of understanding of how one’s habits It’s a nice satisfying way to end our day. in routine begins to affect the trigger and cream is calling to you from the freezer, look
are involved, and how to skillfully master the Well, if you eat a bowl of ice cream every the reward components and the person at that wristband. The Only Person U Cheat
transition from one habit to a better one. night, you will quickly find that you may develops new healthy habits to take the is U. TOPUCU.
gain a significant amount of weight. What a place of old destructive habits. This is not to
The good news for everyone is that you surprise? But what would you expect? Eating over-simplify how challenging it can be to Now it’s time for you to think about what
get to choose the habits you want to have ice cream every night became a habit you lose weight, however if you can visualize the habit you would like to change. Some of you
and those you wish to eliminate! This is didn’t think about. When your mind officially effect of changing your routine in a weight may decide to lose weight or get in shape.
such a simple and powerful principle of began to decompress from the day’s loss program, then you can also see the Others may choose to work on improving
self-improvement, but one that is often activities and responsibilities, it also wholly potential in achieving your own goals in their education or their career. Perhaps you’d
overlooked even by those who want to accepted the fact that eating ice cream was spite of the obstacles you may face. like to develop a more consistent Bible study
change the most. a part of that process. Once you realize this and prayer schedule. Maybe it’s training for a
and take into consideration how habits are Several studies have shown that it takes marathon, or simply learning to finish strong.
Dryden spoke poetically when he wrote, formed, you will be able to begin the process an average of 66 days to form a new habit Once you’ve decided which habit change
“We first make our habits, then our habits of breaking the habit – or more accurately with a range of 28-254 days. It’s impossible you’re going to commit to for the next 90
make us.” But for the man or woman creating a new, better habit. for anyone to know where in the range any days of this program, stay the course. Let’s
committed to a life of improvement, it is given attempt to form a new habit will land. achieve it together through TOPUCU.
far better to say: “We first re-make our Now, two components of habitual behavior – However long it takes, new and better habits
habits, then our habits re-make us!" This the trigger and the reward – are very difficult will be formed if we are persistent and if we In our next lesson you’re going to be taught
is a statement of transformation! to change. The craving for ice cream – the choose not to fail. one of the most important principles for
trigger – may take months to control or it changing your routine and then you’ll be
Like Ben Franklin, we need to choose may never go away. The reward – or the Have you tried unsuccessfully to change introduced to an exercise that will help you
our habits wisely. Your choice will make a desire to feel satisfaction – is also nearly your habits before? Haven’t we all? But now on your way to developing good habits.
tremendous difference in the quality of your impossible to quench. So the trigger and you can truly understand the reason most
life! And, don’t be fooled, not choosing is reward remain static, however the second people fail and what needs to be changed Congratulations, you’re on your way!
choosing; it is choosing to keep all the habits component – the routine – can be changed in order to become a finisher. That’s why we
you’ve already developed, to embrace the immediately through will power. In the case
good ones and the bad ones.
of an ice cream habit, one must make up
If we are going to change our habits, what their mind to eat a small reasonable bowl NOTES:
knowledge do we need to succeed? A key of ice cream one or two nights a week or
to the formation of good habits and the maybe give it up all together. Then add some
elimination of poor habits is to understand additional snacks to the routine that are
the 3 components of habitual behavior. equally satisfying yet sufficiently healthier
like sugar free pudding or almonds. Once
The first component is called the trigger there’s a change in the routine component
or craving. It answers the question, of the habit, the other components will be
“What makes me do that?” The second affected in a positive way with the trigger
component is the routine or the actual act and the reward both being satisfied.
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