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TOPUCU Adult Faith-Based Workbook                                                                      Lesson 1-7 Recap

            LESSON 1-7 RECAP
 "Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established." — Psalm 16:3 (ESV)

 from completing your goal; picture the   This could mean going through your cabinets
 excuses, the bad habits, the laziness, the   and refrigerator and trashing some of the
 negative thoughts. Picture that thing sitting   unhealthy items you have. Or it could mean
 on top of a bridge and then visualize that   cutting up your credit cards. Maybe it means   You’ve reached the end of the TOPUCU    In LESSON SIX we talked about the value of
 bridge blowing up! We’re sure you’ve seen   severing relationships with people who are a   Starter Program, but this is only the beginning    time. You need to make a list of the 6 most
 a bridge blown up in the movies – detonate   bad influence in your life. Whatever it takes,   of your journey. Let’s take a look back at    important tasks to accomplish each day and get
 that sucker and blow it to smithereens.   you have to burn the bridge!  what we’ve discussed. First, think about the   them done. Work to optimize the 168 hours you
            challenge or the habit change you chose at the           have in each week.
            beginning of the program and let’s work through
 LESSON 7: QUIZ  all Seven Lessons:                                  And finally, in LESSON SEVEN, we learned about
                                                                     the importance of burning the bridge. You must
            In LESSON ONE we gave you the word “routine.”
                                                                     from changing or causing you to go back to
            The craving and reward components of habits are          visualize the challenges that are keeping you
            static, but you can change the routine. You have         your old habits, put them on top of that bridge
 1. Burning the bridge entails making a  NOTES:  to continue developing new routines that line up   and blow them up!
            with what you are trying to accomplish.
                                                                     Now that you’ve completed the Seven Lessons,
 to your future self.  In LESSON TWO we asked you to look at the     you should have a good mental understanding

            Scales of Motivation as a guide to why you               of what true transformation is and hopefully you
            may or may not be actively pursuing your habit           have turned this knowledge into action. Over
 2. What does 'burn the bridge' represent in   change. You have to constantly evaluate the   the next eight weeks we are going to ask you to
 this lesson?  scales to see which part of the formula needs         spend about 10 to 15 minutes a day, five days a
            to be adjusted in order to keep you moving               week, putting what you’ve learned into writing.
 Select one:  towards your belief in the payoff.                     Don’t take this step lightly.

 a. Negativity in the past  In LESSON THREE we gave you the initials P.A.T.,

 b. Excuses to reach goals  which stands for Pain Association Transfer.   BE SELF-DISCIPLINED!
            You must remember that discomfort is critical
 c. Challenges to reach full potential  in transformation and that the pain you may   Did you notice how the word “self” comes
            experience now, as you’re changing, is nothing           before the word “discipline.” This means that
 d. Obstacles or roadblocks  compared to the pain you may feel if you decide   YOU have to discipline you to become who you
            to stay in your current situation.                       want to become. Keep an eye on that TOPUCU
 e. All of the above
                                                                     wristband as a constant reminder of what
            In LESSON FOUR we talked about the 7 E’s to              you’re working on and as a reminder to finish
            help control your thinking. You have to stop             the TOPUCU program so that you can open
 3. You have to be self-   negative thoughts at the first E, “Entrance,”   your finisher-band envelope.
 in order to become the person you want   and conversely you need to nurture the positive
 to become.  thoughts all the way through to the final E,            Don’t give up! Don’t stop making progress!
            which stands for “Enveloped.”                            Don’t stop taking steps toward positive
                                                                     transformation. Because when you quit before
            In LESSON FIVE we talked about visualization             you reach your goal; when you give in to laziness
            and used the example of the image on a puzzle            or complacency, when you don’t finish what
            box to illustrate the idea of having a picture of        you start, “The Only Person U Cheat is U!”
            what you’re reaching for. You must continue to
            visualize your goal and reach for it one piece
            at a time.

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