Page 71 - Winter 2018 Journal
P. 71

Also at ASPEN SKIING CO, JOHN RIGNEY, who was previously the       NSAA/FedEx
                       vice president of sales and events for the company, was promoted
                       to senior vice president.                                       Member Service

                                                                                    NSAA members save:
                       RICH BURKELY, who                 LYNDA EDWARDS,             •Up to 45% on select FedEx
                       formerly oversaw                  formerly managing            Express International
                       mountain opera-                   director of mountain
                       tions, is now senior              dining for ASC, was        •Up to 35% on select FedEx
                       VP of strategy and                promoted to senior VP        Domestic Services
        business development at ASC.      of mountain food and beverage.            •Up to 24% on select FedEx
                                                                                      Ground Services
                                                                                    It’s a cost-cutting measure that
        WINDHAM MOUNTAIN RESORT, NY, has continued its investment to snowmaking efficiency  adds up — all with no enrollment
        and environmental consciousness with a new system of fully automated HKD snow guns,   fees or minimum quotas.
        nearly 3 miles of new snowmaking pipe, and a new PistenBully 400 Winch Cat.
                                                                                    Sign up and start saving!
        PARK CITY MOUNTAIN RESORT, UT, has opened the season with a $15-million reno-  Go to the Member Services
                                                                                    Section of for
        vation of its Grand Summit Hotel, which is now a RockResorts property. Park City
                                                                                    more information or call the help
        also has installed a new, enclosed surface lift and a new designated beginner trail to   line at: 800-475-6708.
        serve entry-level skiers and snowboarders at the Park City Mountain Village.

        KEYSTONE RESORT, CO, has upgraded its Montezuma Express Lift to a new high-
        speed, six-passenger lift, increasing capacity by up to 25 percent. A primary lift on
        Dercum Mountain, the Montezuma Express serves popular beginner and inter-
        mediate terrain. Keystone also recently renovated its Labonte’s Smokehouse BBQ
        restaurant with a new 190-seat indoor facility at the base of North Peak.             TA

        BRECKENRIDGE RESORT, CO, has replaced the Falcon SuperChair on Peak 10 with a new  A RUN
        high-speed, six-passenger lift. Peak 10 is a popular area for advanced skiers and snow-
                                                                                                 with Us!
        boarders, easily accessible from the Peak 9 base area. Breckenridge is also adding a     with Us!
        “Candy Corner” to its Ten Mile Station, offering an array of chocolates and other sweets.

        MT. ASHLAND, OR, has conducted a major, $1.7-million renovation of its ski lodge,
        adding 1,000 square feet to the space, relocating the rental shop to the lodge
        basement, and relocating the food services area.

        KILLINGTON RESORTS, VT, has installed numerous new solar power projects that will  New benefit for your season pass holders:
        generate more than 3,300,000 kWh of clean electricity annually for the resort and its   FREE one-year digital
        sister property, PICO MOUNTAIN. The resorts have eight new solar installations on-site,  subscription to Skiing
        including 14 AllEarth Solar Trackers that use GPS technology to follow the sun through-  History magazine
        out the day, allowing them to produce up to 45 percent more energy than a fixed system.

        TAOS SKI VALLEY, NM, has a new beginner area, fully renovated Children’s Center,  To sign up, call 802.366.1158 or
        and a pulse gondola to improve transportation around the resort.
                                                                                                   Skiing History is published by
        SUN VALLEY, ID, is undergoing a remodel of the Sun Valley Inn in two phases over the       the International Skiing History
        next year, with new furnishings and amenities along with expanded guest suites. The        Association, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.
                                                                                                   Image courtesy Hans Truöl Archives
        resort also is remodeling The Ram Restaurant and Ram Bar and recently opened the           (
        new Village Station, a full-service casual bar with craft beers on tap and food service.

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