Page 72 - Winter 2018 Journal
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New Members                              CHAMELEON PARTS
                                                                (404) 977-2418
                                                                Chameleon Parts is a manufacturer and distributor of techni-
                                                                cal products for the ski industry. Chameleon is the exclusive
                                                                North American distributor for Mr. Snow dry ski slope textile.
                                                                Chameleon manufactures and sells Linex sheave liners.
                                                                CYPRESS INTEGRATION SOLUTIONS
        Ski Area Members                                        (810) 245-2300
        FOUR SEASONS GOLF & SKI CENTER, NY                      RFID solutions for NASTAR racer tracking and enrollment.
        (315) 637-9023            FIVEFIFTY LTD
        MAVERICK MOUNTAIN RESORT, MT                            (303) 796-0696
        (406) 834-3454                      FiveFifty delivers cutting edge audience buying for experience
        SPOUT SPRINGS SKI AREA, OR                              brands. Increasing the return on ad spend through digital and tra-
        (503) 285-4407              ditional media that is purchased through our integrated audience
                                                                targeting platform. Reporting makes sense of complex data and
        Affiliated Member                                        provides transparency. Data powers optimization. Optimization
        THE HAWK, LLC, TN                                       ensures media dollars achieve more.
        (865) 680-3263               LAS VEGAS BUS SALES
                                                                (702) 456-9800
        Supplier Members                                        New and pre-owned buses. Motor coaches, mini coaches, transit
        CEAN SPORTS                                             buses, vans. Shuttle buses and transits. All buses are West Coast
        (508) 432-6053                       rust-free. DOT inspections done in-house.
        CeAn Sports supplies mountain, military, and maritime oper-  LST ROPEWAYS
        ations with helmets, waterproof communications, and goggles.   (970) 328-5330
        CeAn Sports helmets are made in the USA and offer adaptabil-  A major industrial player, LST seeks to pave the way for cable
        ity for lights, hearing protection, and camera along with resort   transport in the future, realizing innovative solutions, with a mod-
        branded goggles. CeAn Sports prides itself on having exceptional   ern and sustainable design. LST has already completed more than
        people, products, and service.                          700 installations in nearly 50 countries worldwide.
                                                                (303) 249-8407
                                                                Meterlogic is a Schneider Electric Power Quality and Power
                                                                Management EcoXpert Certified Partner. Meterlogic also pro-
                                                                vides meter hardware, software upgrades, installation, application
                                                                engineering and on-site engineers. All of the following brands are
                                                                Schneider Electric meters, Square D, Power Logic, and ION.
                                                                SATISFI LABS
                                                                (510) 332-1717
                                                                We are a location-specific search platform that delivers venue con-
                                                                tent and information to visitors through any channel (re: SMS, Web,
                                                                App, FB Messenger, Twitter) automatically and in real-time, in order
                                                                to address your visitor’s true purchase, interest, and experience intent.
                                                                (603) 234-1142
                                                                OTTO is software for snowsports school and guest relationship
                                                                management. OTTO is designed to increase snowsports lessons
                                                                sales and improve conversion rates by delivering tangible evi-
                                                                dence of lesson value to guests and providing snowsports staff with
                                                                mobile connectivity to lesson schedules and sales.
          SUMMER                          (4       +33629756664
                                          (414) 397-1233
                                                                SNOOC utilizes your unique mountain heritage and existing
          TUBING LANES                                          facilities with no additional investment. SNOOC attracts new cli-
                                                                ents by offering an accessible, fun, and safe ski activity. It allows
                                                                non skiers the chance to enjoy snowsports for the very first time.
            rollers and banked turns                            An open door to winter sports!
             quick, portable setup                              SUFAG SNOWMAKING SYSTEMS
              water lubrication NOT required                    (970) 328-5330
               dirt work NOT required                           SUFAG is a global player in artificial snow production. Today
                  mSnow - proudly recycleddddeeeeleleeccycyclccllll ddyycycyyyyyy eeeccccS  dl  l l l l l l   in the USA  we offer you a full range of fan and lance based equipment that’s
                                                                guaranteed to meet your needs.

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