Page 16 - NSAA 2017 Fall Journal
P. 16
Roseland offers a range of additional programs, includ- Initially, Bristol’s executives expected snowboarders to
ing summer camps, family nights, ladies nights, college flock to the wakeboard park, said Fuller. The resort promoted
nights, professional coaching, and weekly competitions. the park heavily to its snowboarder season passholders,
Pricing varies. Visitors may purchase one-time tickets for marketing the activity as “just like snowboarding but on the
a specific time slot: two hours costs $35 and all-day access water.” But they soon realized there were more skiers than
is $45. There are also five- and 10-pass packs for $200 and snowboarders testing the waters. Consequently, Bristol adjusted
$350, respectively. And the park offers two season passes: the marketing to target a broader audience.
Silver, which includes a weekly all-day pass until October 1 The resort promotes the wake park throughout the year.
for $450, and Gold, which offers unlimited access for $750. Park manager Dickman spends time at the resort in the
Now in its third year of operation, Roseland is on track to spring answering questions about Roseland, and Bristol posts
break even on its investment this year, and should see a return information about the park all winter long. The 10-week
on investment within the next two to four years, said Fuller. Brigade learn-to-ski program, which hosts 500 kids of all ages,
offers an important touchpoint. Bristol runs video of the wake
Demographics & Marketing park regularly in the snowsports school, advertises the park at
Though the New York Finger Lakes are a long way from kiosks around the resort, and also publicizes the park in e-blasts,
Malibu, the park offers a distinctive southern California feel, display banners, and raffle opportunities at the mountain.
said Broderick. It’s a relaxed, encouraging vibe. People support Still, there is a consistent group of wake park custom-
one another from the docks, and families discover a relaxing ers who don’t ski or snowboard. Attracted by wakeboarding
waterfront where the kids (and parents) can get plenty of exer- competitions, the park’s inclusive culture, and friendly ambi-
cise in a safe, supervised environment. ence, many of those summer regulars drive up to four hours
“Our employees are really dedicated, especially with the every weekend to play.
young kids,” she said. “Parents trust our staff, and the older
kids love mentoring the other ones. Whenever someone gets Infrastructure
up for the first time, the crowd cheers.” Ski areas considering whether to install a cable wakeboard
park must have access to a large body of water with a depth
of at least 8 to 12 feet, as well as authorization from the
appropriate local, state, or federal agencies to use it for wake-
New name, boarding. While Muar Lake is 23 acres, not all parks need to
be that large, said Fuller. In Europe, where cable wakeboard-
new look, ing is imminently more popular than it is in the United
States, some wakeboard parks are on ponds that are about
same trusted 100 x 50 yards, he said.
“You could absolutely use a snowmaking pond to install
advisors. a system onsite at a ski resort,” Fuller said. “Any resort that is
seriously considering adding on to summer activities should
SRR is now STOUT. consider this.”
Because Roseland Wake Park is the largest of its kind in
The adventure of owning and operating a company
is one that calls for a partner you can count on for the Northeast, it has received significant media attention and
strong guidance and deep expertise. For more than 25
years, companies have turned to Stout for innovative promotional help from New York State tourism officials.
financial advisory, capital markets, financial planning, “Wakeboard parks are so new and different and very
and valuation solutions.
family friendly,” said Fuller. “It’s very positive in the sense
For more information, contact:
Joshua J. Fox, Managing Director that your marketing dollars go further than if you add a
+1.646.807.4232 traditional summer activity.”
Roseland uses Wakesys software to manage daily
Investment Banking operations such as online and onsite ticket/pass sales,
Valuation Advisory rentals, guest check-in, and to generate weekly reports,
Dispute Consulting formerly said Broderick. The company developed a very user-
Management Consulting friendly registration process also. First-time visitors watch
SRR is a trade name for Stout Risius Ross, Inc. and Stout Risius Ross a safety video and answer a quiz to start the comprehensive
Advisors, LLC, a FINRA registered broker-dealer and SIPC member firm.
sign-up process. Then they sign a waiver and receive an