Page 62 - NSAA 2017 Fall Journal
P. 62
Face Shots
JOHN PAWLAK is the new skier services Mountain Resort, UT, for 15 years. As VP/GM he takes
director at PATS PEAK, NH, replacing BERTIE the reigns from MIKE GOAR, who is transitioning from
HOLLAND, who has retired from the role the role to serve as COO at Heavenly Mountain Resort,
after 35 years. Pawlak is a 23-year veteran with oversight of Northstar California and Kirkwood
of the ski industry, a PSIA-AASI Level III Mountain Resort.
instructor and a USAA Level I race coach.
STEFANIE COSTELLO is the new ski patrol PEAK RESORTS has announced plans to invest approximately
director at PATS PEAK, NH, taking over for $9 million in upgrades to HUNTER MOUNTAIN, MO, includ-
BOB WRIGHT, who recently retired from ing the addition of 45 skiable acres of mostly intermediate
the position after 26 years. Formerly the terrain, new parking at the base, and a high-speed detach-
assistant ski patrol director, Costello has able chairlift. The projects are expected to be completed in
attained full Senior Alpine certification from the NSP and time for the 2018-19 season. Peak Resorts also plans to add
has been with the resort for 12 years. a $2.5-million zip tour at HIDDEN VALLEY, MO, expected to
open in fall 2018.
PETE SONNTAG is the new COO for
WHISTLER BLACKCOMB, BC, replacing DAVE JAY PEAK RESORT, VT, is expanding the housing options for
BROWNLIE, who is stepping down from its employees this winter with a new 12-plex of mountain
the role after nearly three decades with the cottages at its Stateside area and the newly renovated
resort. Sonntag has been senior vice pres- Inglenook Lodge. Between the two projects, the resort
ident of the Lake Tahoe region for Vail Resorts, overseeing will be able to offer housing to about 150 employees. The
Northstar California and Kirkwood Mountain Resort. housing is among a variety of new incentives Jay Peak has
rolled out to attract and retain employees, including a
DAVE FIELDS has been promoted to GM/ $500,000 revenue pool to be used for wage increases and
COO at SNOWBIRD, UT. Fields, who has bonus programs.
been with Snowbird for 17 years, was
formerly VP of resort operations. He has Suppliers
also held positions in public relations and SNOW OPERATING has hired ERIC LIPTON as
marketing at the resort. its new managing director. Lipton, who is also
currently a three-term PSIA-AASI National
DAVID PERRY, formerly VP/COO at ASPEN Team member, will help manage and direct
SKIING CO for the past 15 years, is now the company’s Conversion & Growth Partner
president/COO of a joint venture formed programs, including Terrain Based Learning . For the last three
by new affiliate ASPEN SKIING CO and seasons he has worked with Snow Operating to help develop
KSL CAPITAL PARTNERS, which oversees educational and on-snow training.
Intrawest Resort Holdings, Mammoth Resorts, and Squaw
Valley Alpine Meadows. ACCESSO® TECHNOLOGY GROUP has announced its
plans for an $80 million acquisition of The Experience
GEOFF BUCHHEISTER is the new VP/GM Engine (TE2), which provides platform-as-a-service
at KEYSTONE RESORT, CO. Buchheister (PaaS) technology solutions that help marketers drive
previously was VP for Vail Resort Inc.’s engagement and revenue. The groundbreaking technol-
urban ski areas for nearly three years, ogy is designed to offer customers more powerful, per-
and before that had been with Park City sonalized guest experiences.